Feldrake Twitch Drop

So I submitted a ticket. It got marked as resolved, still no mount.

I had the same thing happen with the ticket I submitted. Blizz CS is a joke.

Been waiting over since 4 hours after DF was opened. watched Annie for both the kite pet and the mount. I got the kite just fine so I know my connection between Twitch and Bnet is active and working. But still no Feldrake. Like others my ticket got pushed to resolved and was asked to fill out a survey, great customer service Blizz.

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Same issue here, and like everyone else my ticket just generated and automatic useless response, thanks blizzard

Still dont have mine days later and Devs are 0 help

Still nothing in my mount journal, I got the kite perfectly fine but no mount, all my viewers got the mount though and we even raided someone who had drops enabled and I lurked there for hours on end. Says claimed in the inventory section but nothing.

Mine showed up almost immediately in game upon claiming/redeeming. Might be worth submitting a ticket?

EDIT: Saw some folks already have submitted tickets and got no help. Sorry to hear that. I really don’t know why it’d not show up then.

Really unfortunate if it doesn’t.

I relinked my twitch and bnet connections, 3 days later still nothing :frowning:

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Worked for me. I got my mount instantly.

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Grats. I am glad that it worked out for you. I will try the same and hopefully it will work.

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Thank you for the information!! I decided to try your fix, since I figured I couldn’t lose ( Blizzard wasn’t taking my tickets seriously in my opinion) I just got my mount and now I am afraid to get off it or log off,lol, seriously THANK YOU! And have a Great Day!!1

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Just tried it now and it worked… TY SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS YOU ARE A LIFESAVER! :smiley:

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Elladane is the real hero. I’m so glad it worked :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’m not risking it. I wathced 4 hours, that’s it.

I’m not having them say “Oh, since you unlinked an account you aren’t entitled to get it.” if I have an emergency and cant watch 4 hours in the next 7.5 hours.

It’s quite literally Blizzard’s duty to make sure the drops go to the people who earned them. It’s on Twitch’s site.


I can confirm by creating a second Twitch account and watching the 4 hours (streamed it on a second laptop while mount farming) and the second I logged in I was awarded my Feldrake mount (even though my Dragon Kite and Icabod pet were instantaneous on my primary Twitch account).

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As much as I would love to try this I am also a streamer and don’t want to wait the 7days for my fellow viewers to get the mount or pets. Blizzard needs to fix this on their end if we have completed what was asked.


I still haven’t received it, and was told by Blizzard staff to make sure my account is connected properly, so I had connected the same account a second time even, so I can’t do the workaround now. Reopened my ticket and it says there’s a 25 day wait time for a response. I’m gonna be honest I don’t expect to EVER see this mount show up in my collections tab.

i watched the stream as soon as the twitch mount drop started. watched for 4 hrs. claimed the mount. i never received it. all i get from blizz is to go to a 3rd party site for answers. i dont play wowhead or icy veins. i dont pay them either. i pay for WoW & therefore expect them to fix my issue

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Yes it does. I did that exact thing. I even muted in twitch not on my computer OS

It’s been a few days now and still nothing. Everything was done correctly. Now what Blizzard?

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