Feldrake Twitch Drop

20 hours after claiming it in my inventory on Twitch and it still hasn’t shown up for me.

20hrs and nothing here, as well.

Just be patient guys. The kite took over a day maybe over two days for me to get once claimed. I already got my Feldrake but I think I was just lucky in the processing order.
You will eventually get it.

got mine show up ingame within 10secs on clicking Redeem

I am having the same issue, I clicked claim on the twitch site and it has yet to show up as a present in my mounts tab, been almost 24 hours since I claimed mine.

good luck. I still don’t have my kite despite everything being connected, claimed, and two conversations with Blizz. I’ve given up. Their systems are whack.

If you muted the volume I don’t think it counts as credit for watching. You have to actually watch.

If that was true, the progress bar on twitch would not have moved.


I still have not received my Feldrake and it has been more than 24 hours. It shows its been claimed in twitch but it never arrived in my mount journal.

I claimed it and the kite while logged out of Wow so I don’t know how long it took to process.

Each one was in my collection tab when I logged in about 10h later though.

Coincidence, or it had finished processing and just had to poke for relevant account flags when I logged in.

Not sure it was related, but it’s something you could try.

I did all the steps including claiming it on Twitch. Still nothing.

Logged out and in as well.

Gonna wait for tomorrow when it will have beed 24 hours since claiming before opening a ticket.

I wish a blue would comment on this issue, massive amount of people haven’t gotten it even after like 24 hrs. A blue comment that it will get resolved and none of us will lose out on the Feldrake would go a long way here.


It can take 24 hrs to show up.

its been more then 24 hours for many of us.

The only other thing I can think of is maybe to watch the streams that have the “drop” named in their title? If you didn’t do that, it could be a possible hangup. Otherwise, if it says 100% complete on the little purple bar, you just gotta wait.

See other thread as not alone. Over 24 hours, no drake and Feldrake (for some like me) does not even show under mounts at all. Don’t bother with tickets - closed and sent to forums. It’s a bug, and can only wait to see if fixed. Got the kite fine. Says complete on twitch, waited over 24 hours, checked accounts still linked, and watched Max not a random stream.

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takes up to 2 days i think at times.

not everyone has this issue once claimed but quite a few do. i just claimed it while logged in and logged out and back in and got it in my mount tab. this has happened to me in other games though but not really with WoW. usually i get it fast too not like say 1 day its usually less then a day

I still havent gotten mine and i opened a ticket and blizzard told me " yeah we see that but we regret to inform you that we cant do anything about it" bs if you ask me

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Same, going on 30+ hours now and nothing. Opened a ticket and got an automated response :confused:

same thing here, its been almost 36 hours for me. got the kite and the ichabod instantly but not this for some reason…