I’ve not been gagged to the corner, but I’m not allowed to reply to a post I’ve already created until someone else participates or something such. Actually, let me grab an alt and post as that to see if it’ll let me!
I’m the best alt Paynifier has. May I post to the Fiesty corner right after her? Lets see!
Ahhh patch day you broke WoW launches to a black unchanging screen but hey its got music!
Doh! The game launches and plays fine for me… up to a point. When I hearth/portal/take a boat/otherwise change location quickly my framerate drops to unplayable and I have to kill WoW and restart it. Or… just go do something else.
Oh, browsing about the forums, I found this solution to the black screen: Blackscreen - #15 by Alada-darkspear
Maybe it’ll help?
Thanks for that I had looked but couldn’t find anything at the time and I was very tired even fell asleep the first time I was stuck at black screen >.<. Tested it now I can log in yippie but man the lag is strong >.<
There is always something! Incidentally, setting the directx selection helped my problem, too.
<> Its quiet to quiet! <<sneaks away!>>
Feisty must be in over his head with new Kul Tiran alts!
For random forum amusement, I found this list of ‘win conditions’ for the war/ retribution for burning down the elf cookie tree excellent: What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed? - #28 by Julia-icecrown
I sprained my wrist a few weeks ago so it actually hurts to play video games :(.
Need heals!
Lay on Wrists just doesn’t sound as cool as Lay on Hands. Sorry.
Hope it heals up soon.
Did you get a chance to try the terrible AI in the brawl this week? It was horrible and stupid… however, after sticking around to do enough for the ‘free’ conquest and wins, I’d worry for the pugs that I was in if they actually made the AI much smarter/better.
I did with Leruen and it was fun for me since our team fought on the roads minimally. >.> If they stayed on the roads longer the whole experience would be completely soured. I may run my priestypriest, Faraday, through it for better gear.
Personally I find the whole AI BG silly may as well just go questing if I want to fight the AI, PVP is for players.
Yar, Emilysis is pretty much right, though. What makes pvp fun (for me anyhow) is the crazy stuff people do. Hopefully the people on your team just do the crazy good stuff… and the other team does the crazy but hilarious bad. :>
The AI was boring. I was hoping it would do more zany things like slow fall off the cliff attacks or… something. Mainly it just seemed to be uncannily good at capping points in the midst of battle/aoe/busy attack frenzies. Which felt a little computery cheaty.
What ever was even the point of that whole thing? Maybe they’ll make the AI for the questing/dungeon/raid mobs smarter in the future? In which case… wouldn’t that lead to breaking the holy trinity? I mean, hard to tank a mob who is smart enough to attack the healer.
So Mekkatorque…will he return part gnome part robot? Like Robocop? But Robotorque?
I am banking on this. Seems highly likely with robo gnomes in the next content patch…
I saw that! You have no idea (okay, you probably do) how bad I want to play one of the mekkagnomes. high pitched squee.
Oh goody a army of Robognomes all with steel bottoms to hurt your foot when you punt them no less!
That’s why they double as cannonballs.
8.2 looks amazing from what I saw on Wowhead. I’m looking forward to flying and am especially grateful that I grinded the rep needed to do this. Eugh. May I never have to do this again.
Ahhhh flying that thing I never get to do in any new expac because I dislike having to do acheesements.
I ended up making a potion of turn me into a dragon mount so I could air lift guildees around last expansion. Wish they’d just go back to paying the gold for the flying lessons - easier to provide regulars with flight that way.