Feisty Corner

Is this thing on? Hiyo! I'm Feisty. You may recognize me from such forum threads like, "Feisty Corner: The Electric Bugaloo" and "Feisty Corner: What Exactly is Prairie Dogging?" It's been a while since I've frequented the Shadow Council forums but now that I'm back, I see we've been squished in another another server. Gadzooks, is internet rent too dang high?!

I will be posting things I find amusing. That is all. I urge you to do the same.

Periodically I check the Humble Bundle website for interesting games. Usually there's a small handful of games that catch my eye but other times, it's a wash. Today I checked and realized there's a humble bookstore which is selling 20 Vampire: The Masquerade source books. I hated the system, but loved the lore. Something to mull over, I suppose.


Hi Feisty!

I'm a recent returnee after five years away, myself. It's nice to see so many familiar names about, whether still here or popping back in for Legion.

Also, fie and damnation on having a shiny new transmog system, but my avatar still not updating. Rabbly is no longer wearing questing gear circa 2011.
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Shadow Council 4 lyfe.
Hiya Rabbly! Holy smokes, I remember that name! :D

I think that's what I'm most excited about with the new expansion: familiar faces returning! It's like the first day of school where you got to see your friends after a long break! Woot!

And Suul, you are indeed correct: Shadow Council 4 lyfe!
So my experience thus far with the new patch has revolved mainly around my holy paladin which has had the weirdest set of tweaks ever. I don't necessarily hate the new mechanics, which involve being a melee healer but without using a ton of macros, healing is VERY non-intuitive, because you have to remain close to the tank/melee dps to heal properly and being so close to enemies who want to thump your skull seems dangerous to ones health.

I am looking forward to the Demon Hunters for possibly tanking.

How are you all liking the changes thus far?

The changes to demonology warlock were the main thing that hooked me enough to finally resubscribe. Rabbly was a demolock back in the early days, probably my favorite class/spec in any MMO, ticking all the boxes for things I found awesome ... then Metamorphosis came along, and I was sad. I wanted to be a commander of demons, not turn into Dollar Store Illidan.

I'm pretty content with the new swarm-of-minions approach to the spec, and like the old days, it feels powerful at soloing once again. Rabbly herself is still mostly in retirement, but my new main (Martelle) is happily demon-ing it up alongside my SO's shaman.

I'm less wild about the changes to death knights, as I rather liked having the different rune types rather than a uniform resource. I also wish shadow priests didn't feel so squishy; they get an amazing artifact weapon story in Legion, so I want to enjoy the class, but something just seems off with them.

Next to demolock goodness, my favorite change is the shared mob tagging and loot in open world PvE. I'm much more a fan of cooperative than competitive play, and it's a totally different vibe in the open world compared to how things used to be. Players working together, no stress over stolen kills, etc.
Hi Feisty! Hi Rabbly! Hi Suul!

I am still the same protection specced paladin player. I'm pleased to have my holy brothers and sisters on the front line with me, but, aye.. their current set of powers really isn't how I would have kitted them out to do so. I'm sure you'll all be fine; just remember to duck. Also, when they say 'wack a mole' it does not mean you hit me over the head with your giant hammer to heal me.

I like my new shield chuck animation. Except after some time, I decided it really needs a finishing animation upon return. Like I lift my shield arm, and it flies back onto my arm instead of just crashing into me like it strikes the enemy. Also, the consecrate animation is hilarious. It reminds me of the original He-man cartoon intro, or a disco dance move. Either is awesome.

There needs to be a multi-colored consecrate glyph.

Oh, I run really slow now. Speedy laughs at me. :(

Anyhow, protection seems fine. I'm back from a very long retirement and am putting together a five man group with a few friends. I'm sure we'll be okay. Once I find four friends that log on at the same time as I do!
I've heard (but not experienced it firsthand) that tanks feel a lot squishier than they ever have with the recent patch. I've been mostly playing my druid as a tank (leveling him currently) and having a blast. There aren't as many buttons to get tripped up over so that's a plus.

I just got Feival my holy pally to 100 so I should try healing heroics once I take my entrance exams (proving grounds, lol). I turned all of my heals into mouse-over macros and my life has been SO much better with healing on the fly while in melee range.

I did peak at my demo-lock and have had a blast...buuuut she's horde and I rarely play horde. Because they're stinky. And evil. And they have weird carny hands.

I'm so so so excited about No Man's Sky's release. I hope it's good. I watched a few short clips but nothing spoiler worthy. SQUEEEEEEEE.

08/03/2016 07:00 PMPosted by Rabbly
The changes to demonology warlock were the main thing that hooked me enough to finally resubscribe. Rabbly was a demolock back in the early days, probably my favorite class/spec in any MMO, ticking all the boxes for things I found awesome ... then Metamorphosis came along, and I was sad. I wanted to be a commander of demons, not turn into Dollar Store Illidan.


Rabbly, I had that same exact thought! I saw this post a few days ago and was thinking about it because of the demon hunter release and thought, "Wow, this is a totally missed opportunity to make demo-locks different". I haven't looked too deep into the warlock changes but it looks like they no longer turn into demons so many as summon a cadre of them to do your bidding? Like they're your personal Robert Palmer girls..but with horns and felmagic!

Where am I?
08/09/2016 07:31 AMPosted by Feiston
I haven't looked too deep into the warlock changes but it looks like they no longer turn into demons so many as summon a cadre of them to do your bidding? Like they're your personal Robert Palmer girls..but with horns and felmagic!

The sheer number of minions is awesome, when you spec for the max possible amount and pop everything at once. The imps even ride on the backs of the felhounds like horses. It makes me cackle villainously at my monitor.

Switching gears from demons to demon hunter, I am so in love with their tank spec, and I was super happy to discover that the female night elf vengeance-metamorphosis form is not in fact Dollar Store Illidan. I don't know what it is exactly, but it looks badarse and awesome.

Also, yay, my avatar finally updated.
My avatar also updated! Woot! I saw an imp riding a fel...thingy and it was adorable. At first I thought it was just a glitch.

I haven't tried the tanky spec of the DH; what's their schtick?. I'm REALLY excited about the class but haven't had time to commit to WoW as much as I would like. I've been letting Paynifier do all of my dirty work. Muahahahahaha.

Hey Reavbutt!

I make dirty work shiny.

I saw an imp on a demon thingy, and tried to kill it.

Feisty's avatar is fabulous.

I have a light-sabre.

I also have a cube for a shield, according to Paynifier's picture in the armory.
A few more days and I will begin my month long fugue into Legion! WOO! I'll wake up in a meadow, disheveled and unaware of where I am and how I got here. Don't send the dogs, they'll just eat the twinkies I have strapped to my chest.

God help us all.

08/15/2016 02:04 PMPosted by Paynifier
I make dirty work shiny.

I saw an imp on a demon thingy, and tried to kill it.

Feisty's avatar is fabulous.

I have a light-sabre.

I also have a cube for a shield, according to Paynifier's picture in the armory.

I clicked to see your character on the armory and you do indeed...have a cube for a shield. That is so awesome!

Feisty you need to log on more
08/26/2016 10:28 AMPosted by Feiston

I clicked to see your character on the armory and you do indeed...have a cube for a shield. That is so awesome!


It is Speedy's turtle box. :D
In my recent return I've started working with the Pandas. Sooooo...far.....behind! They don't smell as bad as you think they would, but all the bamboo breaks are on my nerves. *snickers*

I'm really thinking about staying 86 because ummmmmmmm I can have EVERY pet EVER and it's going to take the rest of my life to get them all. Speaking of pets I SHOULD HAVE BEEN A HUNTER! I saw a hunter with a blue 3 horned dinosaur fighting beside her this weekend!!!! Know what I have beside me? A totem. It's sparkly though! Meh...

Anyways, I apparently can no longer take my helm off by myself so I'm off to find that guy....

P.S. FEISTY!!! I've missed your guts!