Sylvanas and her Val’kyr killed by the Alliance, particularly the Night Elves. No escapes, no copouts, she is sent to the afterlife to get what awaits her.
The RAS dismantled and blight outlawed by both Horde and Alliance, plus major neutral parties (CC, Earthen Ring, AD, etc). No more plague creations.
Full horde cooperation and participation in the issue posed by the giant sword in the planet.
Minimum wage for employees imposed on Gallywix set by an arbitrator.
Liadrin atones for sending an assassin after a neutral healer.
After the Night Elves showed up to help save the Nightborne from the Legion, the Nightborne apologize for failing to help save Teldrassil from the Lich Queen.
Baine appointed Warchief and the writers must leave him as Warchief for 5 x-pacs not counting BFA.