And somewhere… she has an evil twin… that’s the real scary part.
Yar… islands. There is a big disconnect from the originally stated developer concept to how the player actually engages with the activity presently in game. Which is me trying to say “I don’t know what they were thinking” while shaking my head in dismay.
Hahaha. Florian has an evil twin!! This blew my mind. I was running through Boralus and saw someone named Florian (with special characters) and I ran up to him thinking whoa! He’s a rogue, like me! And in armor like mine! And with the same exact title!
Blew. My. Mind.
Never ran into a evil twin that would be dangerous >.>. I do miss a lot of people from the old days though all lost to time >.<. Even my Brother doesn’t play anymore making this social game less than social lol.
Egads, so somewhere out there there should be an Emilybro?
I took screenshots of Florian’s twin. It happened.
Not quite that name but yeah he and his wife used to play primarily on the Horde side though he did play a alliance toon as well.
The new forums makes me sad. It wouldn’t let me post to my own Corner! What gives?!
Oof, and don’t dare try posting a link somewhere… like I did when trying to make a rp community notice.
I don’t understand the new restrictions, only they do indeed pop up at the most annoying times.
Long live the Feisty Corner!
I got a weird messages that new members can post only a few number of times? What nonsense is this?!
This is the Feisty Corner! Serious business!!!
Payny! We killed Rastakhan!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE.
How are you a new member? You are Feisty!
We killed Rastakhan! Old goat had it coming, selling his kids out down the pike to the death loa… tsk. Though, I gotta admit, I do get a kick out of Bwonsamdi. Dying on the Horde continent is the best. He offered to show my death knight his own death gate, and he always so helpfully points out when Pay has followed the wrong Light, mon.
Yeah, I really like Bwomsamdi’s interactions. Aside from the Jaina story line, I feel like Horde got the better overall story arcs. I’m so excited to make a Boralus human!!! Not sure what I’m gonna roll as I have most of my alts at 120.
It’s a good thing I don’t have altitis. >.>
So many alts so little time and congrats on killing the Old coot.
The fight was weird but the mechanics were pretty fun. Not sure why we have to be horde afterwards to take on Mekkatorque, that seems like sloppy writing or lazy game design. I need Azerite gear for my survival hunter! There’s one trait that extends Coordinated Assault for 1.5 seconds and I heard it stacks and I wanna coordinate assault people in the face.
I think what is particular about the separate factions playing as each other for various fights in the raid is that it seems to run counter to the whole separate factions war war rah rah marketing the expansion started with. Walking a mile and killing a boss in someone else’s shoes promotes understanding or something such.
Other than that, I’m entirely irked at how someone must post in a thread before you can again as one of the many new forum rules. I wanted to give my RP connections post a little bump to point out the vanillafriends thing. Thankfully(?), our forum isn’t very active, so it still has not fallen off the front page.
We downed Mekkatorque! It’s interesting to see things from the horde POV but it seems kind of unwise to do so. It mostly seems like lazy writing of raid fights that forces you to do things that make no sense. I totally agree with you Payny that this seems very counterintuitive to the story.
All the fights I won’t likely see! Boo hiss and Congrats!
You should come with us, Emilysis! This week we will figure out the Blockade fight. Or… we won’t. Either way, there will be a blockade!
I second the whole “knock out Emilysis and drag her into a raid with us” sentiment!
Please spare me the assault and dragging into a raid. If you ever need me I’ll try but keep in mind I have no enchants etc just raw gear atm. Also I don’t know any fights lol.
We have enchanters and jewelcrafters, and Disc, we have the technology. I think the Socialist State of Feistydom means each of my alts fulfills a role to help buff the other alts.
Seriously though, it’s a fun group to raid with and Payny does a great job going over the fight mechanics prior to. Also, we die a lot so you’re in good company!
Also, has anyone experienced the number of times a character can post to the Corner? It’s making me swap out to my alts.
No issue with the number of posts yet though I have posted on different toons maybe that’s why.