Feedback: Warband Conversion -- June 18

Yeah, but you know someone else would come along and say “what about these” or something.


I’m seeing the same thing. I’m guessing they aren’t ready yet.


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Hello testers.

The War Within Pre-Expansion PTR is now live and ready for testing! Please keep the following in mind upon logging in:

Please be patient. The Warband conversion may take some time:

  • Your account may take several minutes to gather and convert all characters on first log in.
  • Not-yet-implemented: There will be a dialog letting you know your characters are being added to a Warband.

When we open the servers for log-in on June 18, please reply to this thread and let us know your feedback, along with the answers to the following questions:

  • For any achievements that are newly account wide, did they combine correctly across your characters?
  • Did your Dragonflight reputation progress combine correctly (furthest progress on any character)?
  • Do you have flight paths from all your merged characters?

Do we have a short list of which ones we should be looking for?

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  • Yes all achievements that I can see are properly shared - KSM and the like popped and gave my alts that didn’t have it their Mark of Mastery.
  • Yes all my DF reputations combined correctly
    • Soridormi and Azerothian Archived seems to be account wide, but Winterpelt are not. I think that is as intended, although I wish they were all account wide :slight_smile:
      • Correction; Soridormi rep went down
      • Azerothian Archives, Glimmerogg Racer were not shared
  • Yes I confirm, created a new character and it has all the flightpaths

The warbank is also properly present, however it does still have the absurd costs implemented in Beta - link to my feedback thread regarding this; Warbank Costs - not advocating cost removals, but bring them down to reasonable levels achievable by the community.


From what I read previously, toons had to log in to get combined so I just went thru and logged in on all the ones I had copied,

Except the timerunners, those won’t log in and give an error message…

Which causes me to think timerunners will be converted to regular toons before the prepatch? but that seems to conflict with the stated timeline.

Otherwise everything seems to be correct,

OOPS forgot to check FP befopre just did on some toon i just slammed thru dung and didnt do anything else and they have all the FP, very nice

When I logged in for the first time on a character that was in their alliance garrison at the time of copying them, I was presented with the cutscene from Shadowlands that plays after turning in 15 legendary recipes. Except it took place in the skies above Talador instead of in the Runecarver’s Oubliette (the Jailer still shows up and does his thing, it’s just the environment is changed). It even still had the “WORK IN PROGRESS” red text and X across the screen.

I imagine it’s because the achievement “Clearing the Fog” triggered, but I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet and no one said they also saw it when I asked in /1 chat.


Everything else from what I could see worked fine for me, and I feel like I went through all my achievements pretty exhaustively. Notably, the totals on all the battleground achievements requiring you to do things X times were all added together correctly when compared against my live characters.

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I’m one chieve away from battlemaster now!

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Same. Even older retroactive achievements I didnt expect to transfer over so soon did.

My Dragonflight reputations seem to have combined correctly!

Bug: My mail inbox is suddenly full. It seems to be all Echoed Ephemera, and 1 battle pet (Ivy). Pretty sure these are from the Amirdrassil raid

Probably unintended: I got a Season 4 Mark of Mastery on every character that I logged in on, including ones that haven’t done any raiding or mythic plus in Dragonflight.

Suggestion: please add vulpera Bag of Tricks unlocks to the Warband-sharing list :slight_smile:
The tricks (that I know of :P) are Flames of Fury, Sinister Shadows, Holy Relic. All are unlocked by drops from old raids

Maybe wrong place for this feedback but soar does not seem to work with ‘steady flight’ yet. Drac jumps in the air and floats back down.

I’m missing a significant amount of achievements (18,715 achievement points on PTR compared to 26,450 on live) which I believe is due to the fact that I can’t copy characters from my permabanned account over to PTR. So are the achievements from that account just going to be wiped when prepatch launches?

Many achievements, including the ones that were already account wide before the warband conversion, either do not trigger at all or sometimes have their progress reset at least partially when copying characters to test realms.

I had several achievements that had shared progress combined. Naval Bonus Expert is an example that combined completed rare missions across several characters to complete the achivement.

Hello, I’ve copied all my characters over and I’ve noticed that the FPs for the Maw, Keeper’s Respite (Korthia) and Venari’s Refuge are not showing as collected. I have the SLs map toy and I played SL through on several characters when it was current. On live I have these FPs. ZM is working just fine. These are the only FPs I’ve noticed that are not showing as collected for me.

I copied 15 toons ranging from Day 1 WoW release to most played since Wrath:

  • Lots of combining occurred & I see some with blue highlights (today’s date) some without (original dates). Looking at 1 not highlighted in World Events, it shows “Earned by Warband” but goes on to state that I can still earn it with 0/10 progress. Is it combined or not? Using the Achiev filter to show incompletes, it disappears, that is odd.
  • It took logging in to all toons for the total achievements to settle at a final number 3567 H / 3535 A.
  • Dragonflight reps looked correctly combined.
  • Flight paths good for the ones I checked

Side notes: starter builds are functioning correctly now (used to get rid of annoying banner) except Hunter and Crests properly converted to junk.

On live the character I’m posting with has maximum renown with the Dream Wardens faction, but on the test realm it displays as “Faction Locked” with the following mouse over text:

Complete the quest Home in the Dream by the Central Encampment in the Emerald Dream

I used the check method listed on Wowhead:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(76326))

and that returns true in the chat window on both the live game and test realm for the character.

For transferring currency: I would like it if the transfer window stayed open instead of closing automatically after a transfer. Also, would like a ‘transfer all’ button for the currency transfer too.

I don’t think this was mentioned, but achievements combine on each login. My Warbands count is slowly increasing as I log into every character, even the Level 10 that I made in order to start copying characters.

World map flight points I knew I’d seen on other characters had red icons at the start of my testing, but after visiting a flight master on those continents they’re all yellow and truly unknown points now have the green “undiscovered” aura on them.

OK, this is weird. I just logged into my character, highest M+ score on my account of 1456, and I have the achievement for Keystone Hero Season 4. What’s more is that I’ve got KSH for the first two seasons and I definitely did not make those cuts.