Warbank Costs

Hello team,

Let me be the first to say I like the improvements gradually being added for alts.

That said, the warband bank tabs have costs that are absurd. The thing is as a gold sink, why this? Most players that will want to use all the tabs are not the kind that are rich, why make it a prohibitive cost to unlock? Because it impacts multiple characters?

Can I personally afford them all on live servers? Technically, yes. Does it change anything about the warbank costs being absurd? No. Majority of players will never have seen that much gold without… buying tokens… which this might be created to incentivize…

It is just the wrong thing to target for such costs

Those that have a few millions like me, or more; is this the kind of thing you had hoped to spend your gold on? I think not, it just feels bad to spend that much to unlock it.

Edit: side note, the ability to summon your warbank being an item in your bag is a bit awkward, ideally make it a spellbook spell like the Guild Bank


I actually commented on this in another post. I understand the need to remove gold from the servers, but it seems a little excessive for the last few tabs.


I agree. 1000g for each tab would be fine, but 25k-3.1 mil gold for the tabs following is just going to make it so most of the players can’t use this.

The item to summon it should really be made into a toy, too.


Good point btw I don’t think the initial costs are too steep, it just grows into absurdity


This so much.


the majority of players won’t need to use more than 2 tabs unless you move a bunch of old stuff to it. I am not buying the last tab because it is a waste of gold but some people who have 100s of millions might not care.


Apathy leads to lack of improvement.

Because you don’t need that many doesn’t mean others might not, and those with that much gold are not typically the type to max out bank usage. Sure there are that do, but the vast majority of the player base can’t access that much

It is a bad gold sink, I am not arguing against gold sinks, I am saying this is a bad one.


It’s a new feature so you’d think they’d want to make it accessible to all players in its entirety. They really need to stop with these arbitrary restrictions. If I’m going to drop that much gold it’ll be on a mount, not bank tabs.


I have 6 guild banks full of stuff - there gets to be a point when you have to accept this is a personal problem and deal with it.

I started moving the stuff over from one character to that warbank and I could easily fill two tabs and I have a dozen characters like that. I arrived at the conclusion the way that warbank should be used is current content only.

You are free to complain but some people are never going to have enough space.


I can tell you right now i don’t have 3.1 million gold if i put all my char. Gold together


And again this isn’t about you or me personally, its about the community as a whole.

Super happy you are ok as is, I likely don’t need that many myself either. But I recognize that this is bad for the community as a whole. Some people use more space than you, believe it or not.

Regardless of your own personal experience, why are you so on board with Blizz charging millions of gold to players to access a basic feature such as a bank? Why should it be ok for that to cost that much because you yourself don’t need it?

I understand many might feel like you, I just hope you can also see my pov, even if you don’t agree with it.


I agree with you regarding the use of the warbank. I can still see a need for all of the tabs. I like to put different things in each tab for ease of finding stuff. So, I have a tab for ore, a tab for herbs, a tab for leather, etc. I know I can just fill a tab with everything together, but my ocd won’t let me.


The community as a whole should accept they aren’t entitled to everything in the game and try looking on the positive side for once. Every bit of space we get is a bonus - 2 tabs is a lot more space than we currently have.

What ! Did you miss the part where I said I have 6 guild banks each with 5 tabs full of stuff? What part of that made you think I don’t need it. I know you don’t need it either so just control yourself and don’t buy the last tab.


yeah I started doing that and that’s when I found out everything gets plunked into the first tab unless you manually move it.

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I see this argument used a lot. Are you equating bank tabs/space to that of mythic gear? While I understand that I am not entitled to high end gear due to my play skills, I don’t agree that a bank tab or tabs falls into the same type of category.


Still is a basic service, its not a mount or something else replaceable

It’s ok bud, I respect your pov, I don’t agree mainly because it’s rather dismissive of the issue in it’s context, in my opinion.

But to all those who do agree with me the gold cost is prohibitively too high for this kinda, well keep voicing your concerns!


This is ment to be used by community for there alts not just the rich ones .


Certain players who do a lot of auction house activity will need more space than the average player - they can afford to pay the 2.5 million, let them. Those players are the mythic raiders of the AH


and you have 3 tabs that are affordable to use - 3 full tabs of space you never had before


It’s ok we’ve read your point, no need to keep white knighting that decision, let others speak their mind