Feedback: Warband Conversion -- June 18

I haven’t done extensive testing yet, but here are a few issues I’ve found so far:

  1. Dreamwardens is locked after conversion. I have full renown progress on multiple characters in live.
  2. Superbloom achievements like Fruit of the Bloom did not combine. I have no progress at all on the PTR, but might be related to #1.
  3. I was awarded keystone achievements from season 1 I did not attain. In Live, I only have keystone explorer from Dragonflight season 1. The second character I logged in to on the PTR, keystone conqueror season 1 popped. Third character I logged in to, keystone master popped with the mount added to my collection, and fourth character gave keystone hero. I don’t have any other keystone achievements for season 2, 3, or 4 of dragonflight in live, so I’m not sure if the same behavior will happen for those. However, I do have keystone explorer in season 1 of shadowlands and this same behavior did not occur, but that’s probably due to the difference in how those achievements are completed (complete dungeons at level 5 in shadowlands vs a rating of 750 in dragonflight).
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I copied characters from both factions from very to not-at-all accomplished in achievements and reputations.

Dragonflight reps transferred across the board.
No other reps did.
Achievements also did not share.
Limited to transmog unlocks across characters but not all (as prompted in the system text)

Bank works. Costs too much. Stop trying to force people to buy your tokens.

maybe it was fixed since your post, but works just fine for me

I transferred my current main and top characters first (those with the most achievement points). I notice a reduced count of completed Achievements on my current main which was showing on live as 2379, on PTR was showing 2292. I went back and got all the characters copied over from other realms and logged them in. I got the count to 2343 completed. I compared live to PTR and noticed that some achievements on my current main are accredited to characters that I have removed/replaced and are not showing in PTR because they are not around to be combined.

I have a ton of characters that I play and they are on 3 or 4 different servers. Copied all of them and here’s what I’ve noticed:

  • Many achievements are missing initially until you log in to the character that actually got them at first place. This is including things like Loremaster of the Shadowlands - it took 4-5 different characters for me to complete this one and I had to log all of them separately to get the achievement. This is kind of a problem because there are characters that I played a lot back in the day but I basically never log in anymore. For example, I had a Night Fae druid in SL that got most of the achievements for that covenant but in DF I leveled another druid on a different server which is what I play now and it’s not clear if I’ll ever go back and log in to the old druid. As I result I’m still missing like 2.5k achievement points overall (I have over 30k on my account) and I’m not sure which chars I need to login in order to get them back. I don’t know if this is going to work the same way when it hits live servers but logging in to find out you are missing a good percentage of your achievement points is not going to be a positive experience for the Warbands.

  • Another very weird thing - my main had Keystone master for every single season ever since SL but I got only a couple of these when I logged in. That would be the character that I got them on first as well and then I would get this achievement on alts as well. However, I got most of the Feats of Strength when I logged in to one of the characters that I played the least and barely got the IO needed for these achievements at the end of the season - definitely not the toon with the highest IO either. Not sure if this is working at intended but thought it’s worth mentioning.

  • And one more thing - may be I don’t know where to look but when I open my char screen and click on the reputations tab, I see now Dragonflight listed there at all, it’s completely missing. The only exception is my main which has the DF tab but under it I see only two reputations - Glimmerogg Racer and Winterpelt Furbolgs. That’s very weird considering that this character has every single DF rep maxed out so unless they were moved somewhere else and I can’t find them, that seems like a bug.

  • All DF reputations seemed to have merged.
  • Flightpoints seem to have carried over on all characters.
  • Hit Transfer All Warbound Items on one character and when I go to pull from another, on some items I get “Internal Bank Error” which grays it out and when I relog the otem is gone, other items withdraw fine, but a relog repopulates them, effectively a dupe / disappearing items bug.
  • I know this is supposed to be focused on Warbands, but I noticed that some skyriding mounts aren’t labeled as such. This causes them to not show up when filtering for skyriding only. They do operate correctly: Golden Discus, Mogu Hazeblazer, Red Flying Cloud
  • Question: For any achievements that are newly account wide, did they combine correctly across your characters?

I believe so , but without a list of ones to check, its hard to be thorough. I had both retail client and PTR client open side by side and casually looked through achievements on a fresh level 1. A couple notable achievements was “Master of the Turbulent Timeways”, “Personal Crafter”, and the MoP challenge modes.

For Timeways, I only got 4/5 on Live, but the PTR pushed me to 5/5. I thought it was already account based, so I’m not sure how that happened, but on PTR I got the mount.

Concerning the crafting order achievements, on live I know I never did 500 orders on any single character. On PTR, I blew past the 500 for Personal crafter, and am actually close to Merchant Artisan 1000 orders.

Finally, I was pleasantly surprised to see all my alts get my MoP challenge mode portals!

  • Question: Did your Dragonflight reputation progress combine correctly (furthest progress on any character)?

  • Question: Do you have flight paths from all your merged characters?

Yes to both these questions.

  • General Feedback
  • Regardless of what I write below, I am THRILLED with the Warband system and all its benefits. For a player like me, its just everything I ever wanted. My rogue just learned a plate helm mog and I made many happy noises.
  • I like the Warband indicator icon on the Reputation and Currency screens, though I wish I had a way to display it all the time instead of only when I hover over individually. Maybe for currency, a filter like “Show Warbound only” would work.
  • I love that many currencies are “Warbound.” And while I prefer if currencies were just in a giant account pool instead of individual character pools, I respect that there may be technical challenges preventing that right now. With that in mind, I do hope a little more functionality and control is added to currency transfers, mainly I’d like a transfer ALL option, with a “ARE YOU SURE” prompt.
  • When I click a Warbound currency, the Transfer button is strange. Some characters it pops right up. Others, it just spins and spins with message “Retrieving Data” for well over 15 minutes.
  • I kinda wish I could transfer gold as a currency. I know about the Warbank, but I think I would I would like the transfer option as well.
  • That being said, just call it Warbank. Why fight the inevitable community adopted nomenclature :slight_smile:
  • Warbank tab costs are wild. I don’t understand the purpose of it. Is the fifth tab a prestige thing? Are people out here flexing their bank tabs? Is it a “buy wow token” thing? I understand gold sinks, but bank tabs are not the place for it IMO. I know you guys have actual data on the masses and how much gold they have, you know how many this will alienate, and how much complaining it will cause. For the record, I can afford it, but still think its a spectacularly bad idea (inb4 someone be like “I play 8 minutes every 6 months and can get gold cap on 50 characters”)

Will I have to restore deleted characters for them to be calculated on Live? I assume so but thats going to be not fun. (have to delete due to server/account character limits)

I guess I expected my reps, specifically for Dragonflight, combined. I have for instance several characters with ~15 reknown in some of the same factions. We don’t have account wide rep currently, so all of those reps on each character was earned, but I’m actually losing progress in a sense by only the highest achieved being used for all. I haven’t noticed any achievement issues but will check later.

I’m assuming this is “working as intended” but did confirm that characters that barely had any DF rep at all are getting the quests and recipe unlocks that were tied to that progression.

One thing that might not be working as intended, same character probably had Level 4 Tuskarr if he was lucky. Used a 250 rep token and got these two messages:

Your Warband’s reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr decreased by 2436.
Your Warband’s reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr increased by 2811.

A second attempt was just a single raise of 375.

I copied characters early but apparently on the wrong server, so for this test I copied them today which might explain the achievement total count issues. I have five accounts in retail all tied to the same bnet and copied all the 70s over to the test realm.


I had items in void storage and my inventory that were the wrong armor type for the character. The conversion worked properly in both places. I got all the mogs, including the cloth engineering goggles on my leather wearing engineer! I verified this working on characters with each armor type.

Vanquisher tokens from Naxx also successfully turned into warbound. I was able to put them in the warbound bank, though I can’t extract them due to internal bag error. Dreambound Plate Leggings also converted to warband on my mail wearing alt.

So far, it looks like the mogs are in good shape.

I didn’t receive any flight points. I checked in Dragonflight and Kirin Tor and Classic. I saw undiscovered flight points highlighted on the map but nothing learned. The character I tested was a boosted 70 that I hadn’t done anything else with. It didn’t even have the flightpoint in Valdrakkan.


Copied character bugs:

Trading Post Enthusiast - Retail main obtained this on 1/2/24 but copy is 4/12
Minute Menagerie - Retail main has this achievement but copy doesn’t have any parts done
Speed Dreamin’ - Retail main definitely got this but the copy didn’t
The Seat of Knowledge - Retail main has several steps done but copied char has none
Legion Curator - Retail main has all but one of these, the copied char has none
History of the Mantid - Retail main has one, Pristine Kypari Sap Container, copied char has none
Love Language Expert - Retail main has all but two, copied char has none
The Dragonflight reputation bug means I lost a few achievements on the copy that the retail main had

The only totals that seemed to correctly take the highest value across my alts:

X Marks the Spot
Plentiful Prospects
Giving Even More Back to Nature
Taming the World
Can You Dig It?

These achievement counts had odd increases instead of taking the highest which in some cases gave me the achievement:

Assume Command
It’ll Never Happen
Back to the Depths!
The Accuser’s Avowed
Crypt Kicker
5000 Honorable Kills
Call to Arms!
Battlefield Brawler
Battlefield Tactician
Battlefield Master
Personal Crafter
Merchant Artisan
Temporal Acquisitions Specialist
Powerful Concoctions III, IV
Anvil Mastery III
Dangerous Devices IV
Ink and Quill IV
Generations of Gemstones III, IV
A Test of Scale II, III
Fish Me in the Moonlight
Enchantment IV

All of the Archeology achievements to collect sets, like Collector: Pandaren Tea Sets, are exactly doubled from the count I have on my main character which did all or most of these. The other character I ever did archeology on has like maybe 1/10 on a couple sets, the rest are zero.

I was able to test that a few achievements were granted to my main after I copied an alt over which had done the achievement. These were:

Patient Zero
M.C. Hammered
Knowledge is… Preserved?

Hopefully that helps :slight_smile:

My main character had capped all Dragonflight reputations on the live realms, but none of those reputations transferred to the Beta. Copying the same character again does not bring the DF reputations to the Beta. Legacy reputations seem to have transferred correctly for that toon.

My main had unlocked all possible flight points. Flight points are missing from Kalimdor (namely Cataclysm), Eastern Kingdoms (namely Cataclysm), Outland, Northrend, Pandaria, Draenor, Broken Isles, Zuldazar, The Maw, Zereth Mortis, Dragon Isles, Emerald Dream. Silithus portal not unlocked in BFA. Argus, Kul Tiras, Nazjatar, The Shadowlands flight points seem to have been properly unlocked.

A handful of mounts, hundreds of pets and toys, dozens of heirlooms, thousands of appearances are missing. Items learned from professions, BOP and BOE, appear to have not transferred. Main is an engineer, had crafted all possible portal devices, none appear in Toy Box.

As a sidenote, searching for “hearthstone” in Toy Box still does not return The Innkeeper’s Daughter or other hearthstones without “hearthstone” in their name or flavor text.

Warband Garrison (and other) followers would be a fantastic quality of life improvement, perhaps something for WoD Remix.

Warband bank appears to work, the potential of this feature is amazing, I would rather slay bosses than micromanage multiple warehouses to manage reagents used by multiple professions, but the gold sink for the tabs might be more fair to all players by charging a percentage of their account(s)-wide gold total, not a flat fee. Hopefully Warband Professions are in the pipeline, having to remember which crafter knows which recipe (without addons) is similarly not fun gameplay.

Transferring currency is clunky at best. Currency also cannot be transferred from deleted characters, meaning it could be weeks or months to recover currency on toons technically attached to our live accounts. A solution to consider is to collect Warband currency in the Warband bank (gold could similarly be collected on first login) and let characters withdraw as needed. This feature is years overdue, and this first implementation leaves much to be desired.

Warband campfire is a great idea, though the characters are not scaled or positioned correctly, the right-most toon is noticeably larger than the other three despite their placement not being closer to the viewer. This can be replicated by creating four template characters of the same race and class, the size differences are unmissable. Being able to right-click a toon to select/deselect as a favorite would be consistent with other “favorites” lists in the game.

Acheivments seemed to have combine correctly.
My dragon flight renown did not transfer over but this looks like a common issue as already stated.
and my flight paths are known by all :slight_smile:

Other than that, Holy Bajeezus! I took a plate character into an old raid and watched as cloth was added to my appearances… I think the term is gleeful… or giddy?

I’m happy to easily share currencies. I noticed its a one way transfer, so ill need to be on the toon that needs them, and that is convenient.

I don’t like that deposit war bound items will pull from character bank. maybe this should be optional? but I can see it being useful for quick clean up of character banks. the deposit all button stopped working for me for the time being.

thanks for making the life of this alcoholic so much easier.

I haven’t done an exhaustive look, but it appears that, for the most part, this is working correctly. A few outliers:

  • I have been granted “Master of the Turbulent Timeways” despite only being at 4/5 on live. This is currently account-wide on live, so I’m unsure it should be combining with warbands.
  • The achievement “The Accuser’s Avowed” has a granted date of 4/03/22, despite the final two of three achievements required being granted 6/19/24 (the first achievement matches the 4/03/22 date).
  • My main has been granted the Keystone Hero Feats of Strength for Dragonflight Season One (which subsequently granted “Deep Cuts From the Vault”), Season Three, and Season Four, as well as Shadowlands Season Three. I only earned this for Dragonflight Season Two on live. I’ve only ever done extremely low keys on one or two other characters (possibly only in DF Season Three or Four), so I’m unsure where it’s finding any additional points to add in previous seasons.

Yes, though I had a couple of things I’m unsure should be happening:

  • My main character (max renown with all six factions) had multiple renown-related quests that I had previously completed become available once again. These also showed up on alts, and when completing them on one character they became unavailable on all others.
  • Possibly related to the above: all of my Iskaaran reputation fishing quests were reset. In addition, the ability to upgrade to the “Dense Draconium Net Weight” and the “Double Imbu Knot” are both locked (I can’t test if this is a display issue only as I lack the materials).
  • Clicking through the renown track for each reputation began to count upwards from multiple levels beneath the maximum, even on characters that have maximum renown on live. The reputation is still there, so this is more of a nitpick of a display issue.

As far as I can tell, yes.

  • My DF reps are not correct. They have all dropped lower than the highest I have on live.
  • I haven’t checked Outland, Broken Isles, Draenor, or Pandaria yet, but it seems the only FPs I’m missing are Kalimdor Cata ones. My EK Cata FPs are there.
  • Not sure if it’s just not fixed yet, but the ‘deposit all warband items’ button takes way more than it should. Also, I can’t withdraw anything back out.
  • It seems all the heirlooms I’ve unlocked are available. Unfortunately most of the upgraded ones are no longer upgraded.
  • After comparing to live, I am missing mounts, pets, toys and appearances. I haven’t done a line-by-line comparison yet, but the numbers don’t match.

Winterpelt Furbolg reputation didnt transfer. None of my other characters had any interaction with them except my Paladin, who is at 1800/3000 Unfriendly. I can only see that reputation bar on her rep panel, not the warband view.

Question, in the beta when I copied my characters over, none of the tmogs were carried over at all - will this be the same on PTR such as if you have deleted the original items will they bedeleted as well? and will you have to refarm them?

Just checked, Still broken.

I turn on steady flight, I hit soar, he jumps up in the air for a sec and floats back down, The soar button is lit up like it is active, but he wont fly, just jumps around like normal.

Soar using dynamic flight works fine.

both dynamic and steady flight work well on regular mounts.

But I don’t want to dertail this thread I’ll make a new one.

  • Flight paths seem fine

  • I am missing a lot of toys

  • I am missing almost all of my pets. I mean over a thousand.

  • I am missing so much transmog that I can’t put a number to it

  • I do think I have all of my mounts. At least most of them.

  • I am missing a few heirlooms, and it seems to be the ones I’ve purchased but none of my characters are actively wearing. All seem to be upgraded correctly.

  • My DF reps are nonexistent. My characters only have access to Valdrakken Accord, Winterbelt, and the Racing from Caverns. My paladin’s Winterbelt is showing on him and only him. My mage’s Racing is showing on her and only her, and both are showing accurate but not merged. All of my toon “gain access” to Iskaara when I log in, and Dream Wardens isn’t even unlocked according to the renown tab.

  • My honor level has been reset.

  • I’m missing several meta achievements and really just a bunch of achieves in general:
    Double Agent/Dynamic Duo, Pilgrim, Noblegarden, Loremaster, Molten Front, Field Photographer, Across the Isles, 100 exalted reps, What a Long Strange Trip, A Towering Success, all pet battle achieves, a lot of transmog related achieves, Proving Grounds, dragon racing, Legion artifacts, Remix in general is just not syncing, lots of FoS related to items acquired.

  • Warbank after purchasing tab: I was able to deposit 20g on my mage and then withdraw 15g. I changed the icon, renamed the tab, and preformed a search. I deposited items using both the “deposit all” and by right clicking a single item. I was then able to log into my druid of the opposite faction, take out 3g, see most of what my mage had deposited, and deposit more.

    • BUT
    • I did say most of what my mage deposited. Some gaps were missing in the bank. I don’t know which items went missing or where they went.
    • Burning Seeds aren’t being deposited when I hit the “deposit all” despite being warbound, but I was able to right click add. Dreambound Leather Bracers didn’t go either.
    • Same problem as others, I can’t withdraw anything- internal bag error.
    • “Item is locked” when trying to sort the bank with the little brush thing.
    • The deposit all is also not pulling from the reagent tab, but I dunno if that’s intentional.

most of my tmogs are gone -same as in beta.

Loamm Niffen, Sabellian and Wrathion rep did not transfer correctly for me.

I love the ability of being able to transfer currency among the warband! The one issue I see with the way it is currently implemented is that because you are pulling from other characters and transferring the currency to yourself, if you have never interacted with the currency before on that character, there is no way to transfer it. I was hoping to consolidate some of the old legacy currencies to a bank alt but that doesn’t appear possible at the moment.

Another issue with currency that I am unsure if it is intended or not is that currency that is functionally the same across factions but has a different name cannot be transferred - looking at 7th Legion Service Medal/Honorbound Service Medal.