It should not take a month, let alone months. You sound like a “I got mine” type of person. This is a RNG nightmare. It takes weeks to even get all the Constructs then you have to hope every week that the RNG gods bless you.
Some people have been waiting for ages and still not got it. I got a SINGLE quest i needed this week out of about 9 i still need. That is ridiculous.
Nobody is asking for it to be “easier” People are asking to fix a SINGLE Achievement because it has unfair RNG that can take months for one part of a huge task. There is a big difference in something being easy, and something having crazy bad RNG.
More attention needs to be brought to this issue. I’ve basically been waiting each week for the right quests to pop up and it has been “no dice”. We’re running out of time and it feels bad to be defeated by rng.
While it’s been doable since it was announced to be an achievement, and it took me a month and a half to complete. It was the last one I needed for Veilstrider, and I thought the Flawless Torghast 16 achieve would be the bane of my existence, but that one was easy. That being said, compared to what you have to do for the other covenants, it’s too much. If they change it I can be that person who is like “wHEn i dID tHIs aCHivE i hAd tO wALk uP hILl bOTH wAYs”
I am sorry, but i cannot agree on this point. Reason? They didn’t warn us it was going away from the get-go. If they just announced it or made it explicit and clear it was going away from the second it was added, like how they made clear AoTC, KSM of each season and gladiator are only in those seasons, it wouldn’t be an issue. As it is, it feels disrespectful. They really should have done the Mage Tower approach as in Legion where it was 100% clear from the start that its rewards were going to be removed once the expac was over.
SL is a tough pill to swallow with everything that went wrong, and i came back at the very start of S4 after almost a full year break. I saw this achieve but there was no indication that it was temporary. They didn’t said it was until a few weeks later, and that combined with the heavy-RNG nature of the achievement makes this feels more like a cheap shot at people who collects titles and achievements that grants them, among other things, and a completely gratuitous punishment for getting screwed with RNG because you didn’t start the achievement early as you had no reason to believe it was going to be removed, as they didnt confirm it as such until end of expac when DF is to release soon.
Again, your point would be accurate if they actually warned us from the start that it was getting removed, but they didn’t until barely a handful of weeks before DF launches. That’s what rubs me the wrong way, and why they should just remove the RNG but keep the effort needed to earn it intact, because its a pretty big screw-up when you give heads-up to people at the eleventh hour, and the RNG nature means people are SOL. There is no “prestige” to be had on an achievement that you fail to earn because RNG cucked you and they never confirmed its removal until very little time before DF release.
Besides, there’s some precedent for them making something a lot less RNG or way less painful to earn when its going to be removed soon. For example, despite having a lot of time and very early warnings that it would be removed, the devs still went ahead and made Mage Tower permanent in the weeks leading up to the pre-patch in order to give people more chances. Or when they gave people help to more easly obtain the cloak in MoP before it was inevitably removed, or similarly with the WoD ring.
It is pretty easy to ignore an achievement that doesn’t even show up in the achievements window. I’m betting 99% of the people on here who are frustrated didn’t even know that Back from the Beyond and the Veilstrider title even existed until Blizzard announced it was going away.
Also, with the way covenants are set up, if your best covenant wasn’t Necrolords, then you most likely wouldn’t be thinking to switch to Necrolords every week to do this for an achievement that might get removed.
This is in no way comprable to Slime Cat, AotC, or Gladiator. All of those are not RNG based. They have literally 0 things to do with RNG. You kill all the Fated raid bosses, you get Slime Cat, no RNG. Kill last boss on heroic? Instant AOTC, no RNG.
People’s frustration is the pure RNG. There is a chance that people will NEVER get this because of the way randomness and statistics work. There is a chance someone will never get the quest they need.
Plus, Slime Cat, AotC, are all tied to difficulty and challenge. This achievement doesn’t have anything to do with difficulty or challenge, all it has to do with is RNG and doing all the things. Back from the Beyond would take the same amount of time and be just as difficult in any other expansion, in 5-10 years when everyone outgears it by a ton because it is all time-gated. The only achievement you could argue would be easier after DF launch is Tower Ranger because of the level 16 floors in Torghast.
AotC goes away because the boss becomes a joke on heroic once the next tier comes out. You’re comparing apples to oranges.
I heavily agree with Abominable Lives being too unfair to attain for Back From The Beyond. I have sent an in-game feedback form regarding this, and suggest anyone reading this should do the same. Hopefully together we can get this changed.
No one is asking to give this achieve without hardwork, we are only asking a way to be not depending on RNG.
Necrolord was my last covenant, so wasnt because i didnt play enough the game. If I (and i do think most of people here) knew it would be like KSM, AoTC, even CE I would have started long before, cause i do have all of those Maizou mentioned…
And between us, those who are here begging are tully farmer achievements, we certainly are not random or people who doesnt play enough. We are here cause really like to play, and it will certainly be very frustrating to lose something for R N G !!!
I went for it a few months ago simply because I wanted a title I knew wasn’t going to be obtainable in the future.
Sometimes it’s nice to have something like that, plus I like the sound of Veilstrider a lot.
I must’ve gotten quite lucky with the rng, as it only happened towards the end where quests repeated, which is understandable since there are less quests required.
I feel like I agree with both sides. Part of me completely understands how the rng is making it difficult, if not impossible to obtain it in time. Then there’s the other side where the rng wouldn’t have mattered if the achievement was commenced from earlier on as you would have most certainly ticked everything off.
Sure, you may argue that it wasn’t known until later on in the expansion, however the majority of those achievements were naturally completed by working through the content. So in a way it’s almost like a “thank you for taking part in the variety of content throughout the expansion while it was most relevant”, as opposed to cramming it all in just because the achievement has been discovered.
I feel for you people chasing it now, but unfortunately some boats have sailed, which is exactly why I’d never get frustrated at the previous achievements and associated rewards from past expansions. I wasn’t there for it, whatever the reason. And that is something that I have accepted.
Good luck getting it, I hope you all do. This isn’t meant to have a go at anyone, I just feel like these were Blizzards intentions and expectations when putting this achievement in game.
This is not the same as removing AoTC, Glad, etc. Those are seasonal rewards and have precedent of being removed at the end of the season. They also have a clear, non-rng goal. A meta achievement that was just announced months ago that is supposed to span the entire expansion and was not announced as being limited time is not the same. They only announced it as limited time a month or so ago, at which point myself and many others started working to finish it. But starting the Abominable Lives at the time they announced it was going away, the odds are still not in your favor. It’s not enough time for an RNG achievement. We are not asking for the achievement to be easier, just more fair, considering the time left when they announced it was going away. You cannot slam out the Stitchyard by playing 24/7 to get the achievement done the same that you can for AoTC or PvP achieves. It’s not possible.
Necrolords was one of the worst covenants for paladin, unless you were pvping. I don’t PvP, I mainly PvE, so I was never Necrolord, and swapped between Kyrian and Venthyr when they finally lifted the restrictions for swapping covenants. Early in the expansion, it was such a waste to even swap covenants, so I didn’t even bother, so I just grinded the Venthyr achievements.
So the argument here is I should have made a Necrolord alt and grinded out the Necrolord achievements in the expectation that they’d remove a title for a meta achievement 2 1/2 months before the next expansion that I didn’t even know when it was going to release?
The only reason why people are saying it may never be obtained because of rng is due to the fact that there is little time to get it.
I find it extremely unlikely that the achievements wouldn’t have been obtained regardless of how unlucky you were if they were started sooner.
The ones who are concerned about it now because of rng are people who started the relevant content late. The rng side didn’t even cross most of our minds since we knew ample time was available for the relevant quests to appear.
Again, I agree the rng sucks, however it’s not like these quests only became available when this particular achievement was announced. They have been here for the entire expansion, meaning we had from the beginning to work on them.
Good luck to all getting it anyway. It’s a nice thing to leave Shadowlands behind with.
Look me up on Data for Azeroth and tell me I’m not also an “outdoor player.” Asking for the Necrolord’s requirement to be in line with the other 3 covenants is not unreasonable. If you were truly “vehemently” against FOMO you wouldn’t have written all that defending it.