FCM to Deviate Delight

That is completely wrong, it will help DD alot. and again like i said there can be a cap for each faction to keep it even and even make it more of 50/50 population on DD

…and how will this help grobb when horde is in the minority? how can 50/50 be achieved on any of these servers when both have a smaller horde population? :confused:

a cap on both factions for transfer wouldnt make the ratio any less if its capped at the same amount. Grobb has enough players already so taking some of those players and repopulating Deviate Delight wouldnt hurt Grobb at all. 500 off each faction and putting them on DD doesn’t make Grobb suffer at all. our issue isnt evening the ratio but to actually put more players on both sides for DD. Grobb doesn’t have that issue at all

The problem is transferring is a individual decision, so you can’t really control the faction balance issues when you do free transfers. The only thing you can do is say, for example, we need more horde so we’re only going to allow horde to transfer. But grob is alliance dominated too, so that would make faction balance worse on their server.

With layers and people not having to have a queue to log in players as a whole just don’t transfer. No one wants to move to a realm to have it potentially die a month later. The only time free transfers worked was when they destroyed realms to 100% populations or queue times caused a mass exodus.

not true cause you can cap out a faction to a certain amount and keep it until the cap is made which would make it the same faction difference on both and allowing say 500 for each faction would allow guilds to transfer as a whole which is highly likely since it has happened plenty in the past.

We definitely still have toxic people tho, it’s just some people think their toxicity is funny…

toxicity is in every game tho

yall are toxic lol

calm down jimbo

Players never use transfers to help populations, quite the opposite. They would only move if their current situation is worse than the one being offered. Blizzard must have realized this and that’s why they’ve given up trying to help populations. Players screwed up all the realms, and players keep them that way. Players complain but the realms are balanced exactly as players have dictated.

Absolutely not true one bit. People do transfer to lower pop realms because they like it way better than the very heavy high pop realms. Also Guilds as a whole do transfer to lower pop realms aswell to have more room to be able to do stuff. Yes people do leave low pop realms but people do come to low pop realms aswell. Sorry but you’re completely wrong.


If this were the case, Slytha, than the vast majority of people transfering would come here. Instead they are all going to Benediction and the like.

There’s no doubt that some people will certainly seek out the server for its smaller population and RP tag, but those people aren’t many. As many if not more people are leaving right now. I somewhat suspect Deviate to die by phase 4. Though for now I continue playing as long as my guild is here.

I’ve always wondered why Blizzard hasn’t used the “New Player” Designation for some realms like DD, and AR like they do in retail. Blizzard should be pointing new players to these realms that have communities but need more people.

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The fact is if they made free transfers from grob to deviate then mass guild transfers would happen due to it being a free transfer and that gives everyone in the guild a chance to transfer instead of everyone in the guild paying 25 dollars to transfer to deviate which would divide the guild if they did that. So therefore no guilds would transfer without it being free.

There would be no control. Most likely one faction would decide to transfer en masse and destroy any semblance of faction balance on both servers. If you were watching that’s what happened when they opened free transfers during classic vanilla.

hence a cap for each faction and they dont close until the cap is reached

Lol. You are delusional if you think anyone from Grobbulus would transfer to a dead af server, even if it was free. Come back to reality.

Because there are no new players in TBCC.


Correct :frowning: