Hey I just wanted to make a post about the Deviate Delight Realm and it’s regards to needing more people to survive.
Deviate Delight is an amazing realm in terms of the community of people, I’ve been here since day one of classic vanilla and over time I’ve just been watching this realm get smaller and smaller. Due to this problem more and more people are transferring off because it takes hours to find a group with all the needed classes. I really don’t want to transfer off this realm and I would love to see this realm grow back to the numbers it was originally at and possibly a bit more than that. So I went over to the Grobbulus realm to see how it is over there and the second I logged on I instantly saw a ton of people which made me very jealous. But with this mass amount of people comes cons and the major issue about Grobbulus is that it has multiple layers and we all know that layering is a terrible thing to have on a pvp server because it ruins the fun of world pvp. So I’d like to ask if Blizzard can please open up Free Character Migration’s to Deviate Delight from Grobbulus (and/or possibly other high pop realms). I think this would help lower the amount of layers on Grobbulus and also help save Deviate Delight from its death spiral of losing more and more people by the day. I hope this does not get overlooked and Blizzard reads what I am saying and takes a serious look into this issue and we can see Deviate Delight re-populate again and become the server it once was or even better than it ever was. Thank you for reading my post and I hope to see this issue resolved in the near future!
I couldn’t agree more!
If Blizzard doesn’t open up transfers INTO Deviate Delight, it will just cause more people to want to move, which will make things even worse causing yet more departures.
Deviate Delight has an awesome community and it would suck if the server dies, I hope Blizzard sees this and does something about it.
What they said ^ ^ ^! Blizzard pls take a look.
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Well put, Slytha! DD has an incredible community.
I hope Blizzard listens.
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I transferred here from Earthfury in p5 of vanilla, and couldn’t be happier with my decision! I’ve been in Classic since launch day and have been specced Prot for the entirety of it (Yes, I was Pallytanking before Pallytanking was cool, or widely accepted). On Esathfury, the raiding elite made it impossible for me to find a forever guild, or even pug anything past MC. On DD, I’ve MT’d in AQ40, and OT’d in Naxx. Before the prepatch. Yes, my guild killed stuff with a Tankadin. In Classic.
I had never seriously played on a RP server before, but the people here are relaxed and fun. wPvP happens, but you won’t get killed ands camped by people who are red to you or decked out in BiS gear. Plus, everyone knows each other, wich does so much to bring back the feel of Classic. This server is truly the best kept secret on US East, and deserves a fighting chance! C’mon Blizz, make it happen!
Please do this - it really is sad to wander through empty zones at any time that isn’t Friday or Saturday afternoon.
Make Deviate Delight Great Again!
It be easier to just roll this into a existing server. You’d never see enough large scale transfers at this point to justify allowing free moves they’d likely have to just later make the merge.
If they allowed any free transfers it should be free transfers off the server up til a mandatory merge so you and friends could select a appropriate server.
Blizzard overall needs to do something for the low pop servers.
They themselves have recognized in the past how low pop servers make play harder for the community and did stuff to alleviate it then.
Now though they have done nothing recently to even do anything to attempt to save the low pop servers.
Their actions just drive towards there being mega servers and dead servers.
That’s simply not true though, we have had large number guilds transfer off this realm due to it being dead (Entitled for example) and the point of creating free transfers to this realm is to stay away from layering and having to merge with Grobbulus so we can keep a 1 layer realm on Deviate Delight. But I do agree on their actions driving towards dead or mega servers which is not what we want.
The problem with free transfers is that we could get lopsided transfers that could upset the balance of the realm. Opening it up to all servers could be disasterous depending on a few factors. Everyone remembers how opening up transfers destroyed several servers populations back in vanilla classic p2. Maybe if free transfers were capped at a certain number it would work. But Blizzard will do nothing about low/dead or imbalanced servers as it is more profitable off their end to collect transfer money than to try to rectify the problem.
I dont think anyone in Deviate Delight misses Entitled. Good riddance for the most toxic players to transfer off, nothing is lost losing them.
What’s dead should stay dead.
Deviate Delight is perfect.
+1 for free server transfers off mega servers.
This is why no one wants to roll on DD.
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Because we don’t tolerate toxicity? Sure. I’d rather keep it like that but I am sure there are actually non toxic people out there that would be interested in rolling.
Can we not with this slogan? Please.