Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

Issue comes in is the OP posts these types of threads, gets people all ruffled up, the LGBTQ folks don’t like it, other folks don’t like it, and there is a mega thread that the OP constantly gets told to leave.


As I’ve said in this thread, multiple times, and as it has been said in multiple threads:

This small group is not part of the LGBT community, does not represent it and does not support it. They post these threads in a false faith initiative specifically to stir up anti-LGBT sentiments and harm the community.

They have been asked by the community to stop, they’ve been asked by the community to join the fold, and they keep sea lioning. They don’t care it is doing real, lasting emotional and mental health harm to the LGBT folks who come to the forums.

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What Fuzzbutt said. Guy gets his jollies being a massive troll and everyone is sick of it.

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I 'll give you that, they post a lot about it. But you can never be too sure about intentions. Why not take the content of the posts at face value instead?

Because we know this guy and the group he may/may not be part of. It’s beginning to smack of an orchestrated effort.

You can when they proactively label other members of the LGBT as phobic the moment they disagree.

It’s rinse and repeat. There is no good faith here.


How would you take that at face value? That just sounds like trolling to me.

And attack folks that don’t agree with them.


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You cant know for sure. You even give yourself a saftey net “he may/may not”. You assume he has bad intentions with the constant LGBTQ threads, I can also assume you have bad intentions when you try to stop them from posting about LGBTQ. It can go both ways.

If I see you trying to derail the thread, which didn’t break any rules to begin with, I can assume a lot of things about you, given the topic, I would say you are against LGBTQ representation. Not saying you are, just an example of what happens when people project things onto text that aren’t there.

I’m pretty sure it’s not that Tuullnn has so many alts, it’s that he’s Agent Smith. He just takes over random people’s toons and assimilates. Sort of like a “We are Legion” type of deal


Cause they have done this before on a similar alt? You know, just a few letters difference. Pfft.

Btw it took some massive digging to find that cause I forgot how it was spelled. Notice the low level alt with exiles reach starting gear and low achievements posting similar things… with a similar name?


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The message trying to be portrayed using similar wording should not be cause for accusing them of trolling in an attempt to make lgbtq under a bad light. It’s a textbook conspiracy. Especially when blizzard has unflagged their posts multiple times. I’ve seen people make up blizzard as favoring this specific poster just to appeal to lgbtq. If a newcomer saw this, they would say the people tagging the poster as a troll are the ones in the wrong.

Alright, you’re choosing to ignore now how the community has outright asked him to stop and pointed out he’s a negative social influence.

I’m done speaking with you, because you’re either purposefully trying to play devil’s advocate or…


Look at his WoW armory, no evidence that he plays. He picks up his information from streamers, WoWhead, forum discussions and other sources. He didn’t even thank the WoW community for setting up a in game pride event.

He is a free account, and a pretender trying to incite people to hate one another.

At least the other T pays to troll.


Say it! You know you want to lmao Say his name

I was waiting for you to accuse me of being them. You don’t think that’s incorrect? I am basically just talking about my perspective and you almost immediately tag me as just another troll character. Why not give me the benefit of the doubt?

So, here’s a question. Conspiracy or not, why is it that there’s 2 low level toons… with extremely similar names (infact just a few letters apart), on burner accounts in order to post things THEN attack members of the LGBTQ community in the comments in order to ruffle feathers?

Also why did you swap characters to post? Post on your main toon.

Zen sees it.


I don’t know this guy and he’s not one of the normal offenders from all the other countless threads.

He could literally be an outside party with zero context into any of this. Doesn’t mean he’s sea lioning.


I only said I like the smell of cut wood…I was up at my cabin working on it & it is now finished. Make sure you read my post correctly before you post on it.

So what # alt is this? 6? I know this is T by how he states everything.

Oh no lol I assumed you were insinuating that he may be an alt of the T squad :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry, I’m a little bored at the office today


I’m not giving you the benefit of the doubt, because you are choosing to say the OP should be given the benefit of the doubt. Even after admitting you notice he spams these things and even after members of the LGBT community and people who’ve been part of this quagmire for months now, have told you “Nah man. Don’t.”