Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

So I posted a thread labeled Blizzard, please ban the LGBT forum trolls and here we are. They took down my thread in less than two HOURS and this one is still standing for over TWO DAYS. This company…


Research shows this, or a similar, group of people do this every year around Pride month.

And every year, the actual LGBT community asks them to knock it off.


Well they have Blizzard’s full support.

Can you at least acknowledge that someone that has never been to the forum, wouldn’t think there was anything wrong with the OP’s post, ie. the content of it, unless they were against the idea of it (lgbtq represntation)?

How about this…

If you made threads about the same subject repeatedly and the community asked you to stop, that’s enough, we get it, move on. And did so in a very genuine way, how would you respond?


Yes, which is the problem and is what makes it insidious. Without being part of, or knowing, the actual LGBT community here on the forums, without knowing GD’s culture as a whole, it seems so innocuous and done in good faith.

That’s how they keep getting away with it sometimes. Other times, we get a mod who knows what’s up and they nuke the thread.


You and I use the same helmet, you are my alt character. It depends if I would stop, is it for the greater good? Even if it mildly annoys people that cannot help but open and read the threads they supposedly know are troll threads, I wouldn’t stop.

Moved to the story forum.

I feel bad for the people who like that tab, they keep getting GD trash dumped here.


So, you’d keep trolling, pretending to represent a minority community, when said minority community has asked you to stop and told you that you’re just hurting them?

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What’s your favorite egg salad recipe?

No, sometimes it gets flat 404ed.

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I wish they’d do more.

404ing doesn’t seem to net some of the really bad ones any vacations.


Oh hi General Forum threads tossed into the nether of the Story Forums.


Oh, it got moved? Didn’t notice.

Lots of Onions & Celery


I don’t like egg salad.

I feel like this is as good as it gets in terms of actually dealing with the problem lol


If you noticed the majority of the posts have nothing to do with thread. We just come here and BS about whatever. Say our piece from time to time to Mr. T and leave it at that.

We are not drawn to the thread because it has any quality or real purpose.

I have more pressing issues…

My new puter has windows 11. I am too old to learn this…


What also makes it show the OP is a bad faith actors is this little gem he’d posted the other day

When asked why then he does the same thing he claims it’s “out of context”. :joy::joy::joy:

He’s a literal hypocrite and he knows it.