Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

I did that & customer support didn’t do a damn thing about it.

I just won’t be quiet till I speak to management.

Edit: Assuming someone sensible doesn’t handle these false flags.

If you keep it up with them, they will ban your account, even if you send them proof.

That sounds like fear mongering to me. There are avenues of discourse inside a company and elevating it to management is a proper one.

Dang. That’s bonkers.

If it actually happens.

This is one of the reasons why WoW forums needs to convert to battle tags like the rest of Blizzard forums. People using alt armies to mass flag posts.


They restored all my posts.

Thank you mods. :pray:


Might want to delete that.

When you challenge them on something, they pull the ban account card & if you attempt to show what they said they ban. If it is against TOS then they shouldn’t have sent to me in an email and should have sent to me in-game

Well, moot point right now, but my deepest sympathies for your plight.

upon request.


we all got it. You were gone for 6 weeks, woodcutting (you specified this twice, for some reason), and you still hate LGBTQ representation. you can go take another 6 week vacation now, go do some more wood work. eager to hear all about it again, when you come back.

Can this guy get his ip premabanned already

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KITTIES Hm I didn’t know cats like popcorn. I’ll see if Cutie wants some unsalted unbuttered basic popcorn.

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No, don’t do that it might harm your pet, its just a gif.

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Don’t worry, on a different topic I got accused of being him and vacationed for it. :+1:


why would op get banned?

You new to the forums?

no, posting on a different character. The topic doesn’t seem rule breaking to me. Never has