Faerin should be removed

yeah but so has anyone who has done MC or any other elemental raid

hmm… let’s hope he doesn’t flag us with random behavior which wouldn’t indicate anything you’re doing in this thread because I already see a lot on the forum that removes anything that is said about the new character in WoW for unknown reasons.

But as I said a while ago, and you’ll see this on Twitter.

The problem with this character is big, very big, it’s not discrimination, it’s not contempt, Blizzard simply failed to make her.

  • comparison with Taelia: really as I said Blizzard was lazy or I don’t know what point they are going for, but Faerin suffers from meaningless deja vu of a character we already had, and Jaina would even join in being a Proudmore in Warcraft 2.

I would have liked development.

  • design: as I said it’s not discrimination because she reminds me of Zula (Grace Jones) in Connan The Destroyer only without the use of sexy thong, a wild Amazon, but her detail is disappointing.

So much is said about the technology in Ulduar, the Arathi technology seen in this expansion and in trying to make an inclusive character with disabilities, why did they give her a ridiculous spear?

In Full Metal Alchemist Paninya was a character that had 2 automails, a prosthesis that had a not-so-bionic arm but it made it cool, why didn’t Blizzard put more effort into giving this character more design by inventing an automail-type prosthesis or like a mechagnome but without robotic intervention.

I think they should have made more of an effort to do that.

Faerin Lothar or Brie Larson: I kept blocking people on Twitter who seemed to me to be humiliating themselves for giving her a shield, making more reference to Tom Holland Spiderman giving the Infinity Gauntlet to Cap Marvel than looking heroic.

In the case of that IRONBOY he was already very depressed unlike the authentic Spiderman seen in comics, animated series or the same Tobey McGuirey, and Andrew Garfield who gained their true prominence without needing to be an Avenger.

But in our case, we are the MAIN CHARACTERS of the video game, not only because we were created in the MMO, but also during the development in which we defeated many bosses that were too powerful than the main characters of Warcraft, IDK but I don’t see it as very honorable to treat us like that, even worse when they treated us in BfA as peonsof Jaina and Sylvanas.

Having Anduin just suddenly bounce back perfectly ok, with all the personal growth offscreen, would just be awful writing


“Suddenly” bouncing back 5 years later wouldn’t really be that odd.

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The Jailer was merely a Setback

I’m kind of amused that a thread ranting about Faerin and modern day politics turned toward talking about Anduin, ngl, but also kind of getting a kick out of these takes.

I have to admit they did write Anduin as kind of whiney. I get PTSD. I have it and furthermore that was my thesis for my Masters, so I dug into all kinds of research. The problem is that blizzard is trying to push it into dialogue so it’s visible, when in reality a ton of PTSD symptoms are more about body language and visible reactions.

They could get more creative with including it in cinematics, showing hints of flashbacks and the like to just support recognition of where his head is going.

Also, tbh, his voice actor sometimes comes across as whiney in tone, rather than showing proper depth of emotion, which can have a huge impact on how it’s all taken.

I think the writing’s alright, but the problem is in the presentation sometimes. Blizzard could do with a hint of research and a touch of creativity.


I don’t really know if anduin was ever really written well. I kind of feel like his character development ended in mop and never changed from there.

Its baffling to me why he is so heavily featured in content. If he is a healer and a diplomat he shouldn’t be in the advance guard all of the time.

Anduin in MOP is the wide eyed idealist and now Anduin is just the jaded washed out who has brief sparks of ‘We should work together’ but he’s tired.

But it could be written better.

He just shouldn’t ever really be in a adventurer position ever… sl was the kind of plot with him being kidnapped that kinda made sense?

Though ive no idea why the jailer wouldn’t target a paladin to brainwash over a priest? I can’t recall but i dont think dominated anduin could call on the light. If anything it just made the jailers job harder to bind him.

Havent got to read through this yet i saw you had over 600 replies and i just just wanna congratulate you getting a topic about that crap character past 150 replies without getting 404ed and as of posting this115 likes you rock

Anduin needs Mr. Sunflower really bad.

She is very clearly there to be a disabled female girlboss of color for “diverse representation” or whatever, but I actually liked her contribution to the story. I hate that she’s going to have all the plot armor in the universe but so far she’s at least been kind of interesting and I’m curious to see how she progresses.

I missed something in the story, it seems like they’re supposed to have been down there for thousands of years but they act like it’s only like 60 years or something, what’s up with that?

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Pretty much. Mature undertones would mean Faerin picked up on the hints and slowly tried to work her way into healing him. Not teenager levels of “I’ll talk you into healing from the getgo.” She’s been through just as much hard crap (Maybe not as hard…) as him and it should show, not outright be spoken about.

I do like her as a character and I’m completely fine with Anduin needing to be healed. But forreal? A Saturday mid-afternoo cartoon? Regular Show had better pacing/character development than this. Heck, Steven Universe was better (Not all the time lol).

I think wow just needs better writers. The characters no longer seem believable for the world they inhabit.


Was he getting any sort of help during that time skip? Or did he just run away from the problem
Of course he’s not ok yet

That’s a problem that writing could have easily fixed.

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Distant cousins at best.

If you share the same last name as someone else, there’s a possibility that somewhere along the family tree, you’re related (unless that person married into the family that gave them that last name, in which case, you wouldn’t be, but you might be related to whoever that person married). It doesn’t have to be a close relation, it can be extremely distant, to the point where your great, great, great, great, great x20 grandfather’s branch of the family tree split.

My last name for example is Rees, it’s a noble house from Wales with its own coat of arms. I can trace my heritage all the way back to ancient times when the House of Rees were land owners. There are millions of people out there with the name Rees, and all of them can trace their ancestry back to that same house. We’re technically all related, but I’d never show up at their front doors saying “Hey, I’m your distant cousin!” because while we’re technically related, we don’t know each other.

It’s the same with Faerin.

She was born a Lothar, so her family can trace its lineage back to the original group of Arathi who left the Empire of Arathor, in the same way that if Anduin Lothar had any children (outside of the movie-verse he did not) they could have traced their lineage back to the Empire of Arathor. But Faerin can’t claim any of the accolades or fame that Anduin Lothar gained. They’re extremely distant cousins, nothing more.


the only therapist on Azeroth is a Spider that’s now twice put ‘Murder’ on the trauma resolution table.


Anduin isn’t really a kind or caring character in the novels he just has a savior complex. He actively looks down on people when he went out in disguise and stole apples.

That sounds… pretty extreme, especially considering that your only actual stated complaint about her is that she talks down to people older than her. I kind of struggle to see what the issue is here – a highly talented person in the age range of 18-23 who already thinks they know everyone and challenges people older and more wise they than are, or people in positions of authority.

Have… you ever met a college student?

Likewise with her missing arm, they never really even focused on it. This seems like you mostly just being bothered that the game features someone different than you. There was one Stay Awhile And Listen where her one friend wanted to make a prosthetic for her and Faerin said no, but the way the dialogue played out didn’t really even focus on ableism, it was more about general self-acceptance and feeling comfortable in your own skin. Faerin was not only comfortable with who she was, but she made the point that she didn’t want to have to relearn things like a change in her balance during fighting. That’s a lesson that is not specific to just the scenario of someone being monoplegic.