Faerin should be removed

I believe that Faerin was a mistake story-wise, she doesn’t feel like someone who belongs in the Warcraft Universe, maybe Diablo or something, but not Warcraft.

The fact they made her a “Lothar” to try and give her street cred actually has the opposite effect and makes people like her even less because that feels so forced and dirty.

She is off-putting and I don’t like how she’s only 15-20 years old and lecturing the 50yr old+ General Steelstrike on military matters.
I mean the first dialogue you ever see of Faerin is her talking down to the general like the general is an idiot. Then she receives no repercussions for that and is treated like some special golden child.

And I’m supposed to like this person and think they’re cool? Absolutely not.

Having a character without an arm can be cool, the guy from Zul’Aman had to cut off his own arm to escape captivity and that was a cool part of his lore. But with Faerin it feels like something forced to scream in the players face that disabled people can be cool too, and it has the opposite of the hoped for effect.

Killing her off isn’t good enough for me, they need to retcon her existence and remove her from the game.

This expansion is SO much better than previous expansions, but having Faerin in War Within is like somebody just spitting all over a nice meal, it’s just totally ruined by 1 little thing.


i don’t for the life of me understand the bizarre obsession with this character. who cares?


Oh, deja vu. :face_with_spiral_eyes: Surely we can remain civil.


Odd, thought the first set of dialog was her calling us friend cause we basically swooped in and squished a bunch of spider people and figured saying outside is a bit out of place since we, again squished a bunch of bugs that were basically starting to overwhelm them.


She’s needed story wise to help Anduin. And she makes a great paladin,
she even made me shed a tear during one of her cinematics because she’s pure and good. I was left asking myself if that wasn’t a prayer I just watched. I wonder if Anduin will become a paladin like her? He swings his sword with ambition.



The Survivng Arathi seem to have a “small town” familiarity. There’s not many of them, and they’ve been relying on one another for years for their survival. The general is someone they see every day and Faerin, a Lamp Lighter is not her direct subordinate. The idealistic Lamp Lighters have a reputation for clashing with the General’s more pragmatic army

Faerin as the only person raised in the Hollowfall colony is something of a celebrity figure. It all works well enough.


Faerin is by far not the first character ever to exist in the universe to question or try and plead her case as to why she thinks this is the best move, Of someone who is higher rank or older. It’s like one of the big tropes of fantasy or hell even military shows/movies, Where the protagonist defies orders and saves the day or makes it worse so that later they actually save the day.


I guess this is just gonna be the whole expansion with this bait, huh



Man these kinds of threads just make me question things.

Like… what in the snickerdoodle?


How about just redesigned?

A new last name. A make over. A new weapon that isn’t designed for mounted combat and either add an arm or just get rid of the shield that she can’t wield.

It will never happen though,


It’s probably best that we don’t understand.


I mean there is the blacksmith that forges her equipment who even offered to give her an arm and she turned it down, She could have character development aka a change of heart and ask for a prosthetic arm or w/e she wants. But she seems quite happy with what she has.


I’m gonna guess, Sock Puppet thread to pat themselves on the back and flood their OP with “likes.” As well, the increase in sock puppetry that has been happening since EA, shocked they haven’t applied to Jim Henson Studios as a Puppeteer lol.


Lol at all the classic alts used to like the post. That’s wild XD


I wonder if they actually think they’re fooling anyone into believing they aren’t just bigots, or if they think they’ve just woven such a clever web of words that no one can call them out on it. Either way they’re wrong. It’s obvious what their problems with her are. It’s not the writing.


“Throw enough words at them that their mind will be distracted and look more like constructive criticism!”


Yeah unless these people can produce their exact same complaints about Taelia (who more or less served the exact same role in BFA) then I’m calling BS.


That’s a pretty common tactic in today’s world. If you keep everyone guessing what the hell you’re even talking about, chances are something will stick eventually.