New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

fine… look the main problem in the lore for now.

  • nice cinematic Khadgar vs Xala’that, but even though it was impressive it was anticlimactic in the fact how the guardian was defeated very easily, not even giving a great fight.

  • Alleria and the Windrunners that would kill all of WoW if Blizzard doesn’t make a good narrative: if I had a nickel because a Windrunner ruined everything with their actions, you would have several nickels.

    Between Sylvanas and Alleria the lore of Warcraft 3 and her arrogance and thirst for revenge did not go well, Alleria heroically goes out to stop the harbringer so that she is stopped by her whispers again, and interrupts Khadgar’s fight in vain so that only with the final word the guardian: this is my battle, something interesting but showing that the sisters ruin everything with their presence.

    and for a second round, she does it again with her thirst for revenge by attacking Xala’that in front of an army of nerubians, she did not learn what her sister did only for Arthas’ revenge.

Tell me, are the writers fascinated with making meaningless deja’vu out of other characters, or are they lazy?

  • Faerin and Taelia: If I had a nickel for each time they introduced a new female character about Anduin’s age descended from a famous human bloodline, who both have ae as the second and third letters of their name, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.

Faerin is probably still not being said for now because she is a new WoW character but she questions a lot about her treatment that Blizzard made in developing her, and worse a character that seems more like a humiliation than something beautiful when she gives him her shield ending up recreating when Tom Holland gives her Infinity Gaunlet in Avengers: Endgame .

It’s not a good thing, but we are the main characters first and foremost, whether we are the female or male version, and Blizzard defined us like that in an MMO in the case that we fight against the bosses and the real villains in a raid, and it’s not very admirable that we do all the dirty work so that we come back like in BfA being the new pawns of some character who didn’t make it or had their moment in a book or in some RTS of the Warcraft trilogy.

In any case, it is not important if there are more male lead characters, or more female lead characters, the problem is that we hope that Blizzard will develop the lore of WoW well, let’s remember that we are starting the World Soulsaga, and with Mezten, and without Mezten, an error similar to Shadowlands or DF would ruin the entire development of the trilogy, making those left to be shown have nothing interesting for what is to come in this trilogy.