Faerin should be removed

Dogwhistling is effective, though, look at how many people fall for it all the time.

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i like faerin. i’d only tweak her hairstyle and thats just because she reminds me of bangalore from apex

Brother in christ. Who is out here shedding tears over WoWs story?

If you follow the story it’s definitely deeper and it didn’t end entirely in MoP. That and this ‘shouldn’t be an adventurer’ outlook is kind of odd. His entire story is about conflicting sides of himself.

Varian pushes for Anduin to be a fighter, Anduin has serious interest in studying as a priest, but he deals with internal conflict for it. I forget which novel or short story it’s in but I recall it being included in there.

His entire arc kind of deals with that, where he’s torn between being the fighter or the healer and more than once his attempts to do something ‘kind’ end up backfiring on him somehow. Then you add in his experience with the Jailer, who’s controlling actions and introducing him to darker acts up close and personal.

He mentions he kind of enjoyed it sometimes, which is all part of the continued internal conflict. At the end of the day he doesn’t even know who he is anymore, he’s totally lost sight of it.

That’s a ton of character development and it’s opened the door for incredible growth moving forward tbh. They went full circle and he’s almost like a blank slate all over again because he can’t decide wtf he wants to do anymore or what direction to go.

I kinda am. I used to really enjoy the world building.


That girls in every game now lmao.

Anyone who doesn’t pour one out for Runas, I will find you, because you aren’t even a sentient being as far I’m concerned. Just a rabid monster.

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Sure if youre a sucker for unearned emotional moments riddled with cliches and bad dialogue.

I was crying in pain.

Your existence is pain, yes, my heart goes out to you.

A compelling and complex character doesn’t really mean they are suited to adventure. The issue with anduin is all his conflicts are inner and quite frankly unacceptable to have for the postions he is put into.

I can’t recall a situation where anduin acted in a proper or informed manner for his position. Instead its always him being to soft to do what needs to be done as garrosh showed him multiple times.

You can change the world in a far mote significant way as a diplomat then a soldier and anduin isn’t a soldier.

OMG the Sriracha Bacon Jerky from Trader Joes!! Soooo good!

I feel like we need more female representation and more beta men too.

How many more troll variants can we possibly make for beta men?

I like the feedback one user gave that she should have been a grizzled old man with handicaps instead. It would be a better mentor for Anduin in all the right ways. And I’m sure even the women here would agree that you wouldn’t want a man lecturing a woman on how to do something, so you get the consensus of being relatable.

This kind of throws me off. If someone has a ton of internal conflict, has experienced rough things and ends up dealing with aftermath (like PTSD for example) and that makes them ‘unacceptable for the positions he is put into’ I really hope you never meet any hardcore war vets that have dealt with some serious crap and had to push past all of their own demons to keep moving forward. I don’t get it, should he be crippled and in a corner because he’s had a bad time? Lol?

They do show soft edges to him and it’s part of the problem, but they also showed other sides to him, such as moving into BFA when they did the cinematic for the attack on Undercity.

And if he was just spawned into existence perfect in every way for his position, I’d be concerned. That’d be flat, uninteresting writing. Perfect characters are boring af. Conflict is how story works, whether it’s internal or external. In his case it’s both.

“Anduin needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine”

I bet you’re one of those people who believe there are “good people on both sides”, huh?

That is precisely why it’s interesting lol

It sounds like you expect Anduin to be a Mary Sue, which is ironic considering everyone has ridiculed Faerin for being the same lmao

I think Faerin is cool, but racism is alive and well in wc community. I’ve dealt with this racism for 20 years.


TL;DR, OP is saying she is not white and a woman thus she is bad