Faerin should be removed

I mean Anduin’s been through the wringer with little to no time to really process it. Anyone would just break down psychologically with all that pressure and zero time to really recover and then made into a meat puppet and that was the first time he felt good since his dad died? That’d make anyone just kind of give up

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I think the comparison is relevant and hilarious tbh.

Didn’t we just have a five year time skip though? He’s acting like it all happened yesterday.

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That’s how PTSD works. It’s as if you’re reliving it every day as if it happened.


Giving up as a 15/16 year old is categorically different than giving up as a 20 yr old or even a 30 yr old. The pain of your life wouldn’t default you back to acting like a youglin.

He’s acting like a kid. If that’s what people want then so be it. I don’t want it.

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You should do some research on how trauma manifests. His behavior isn’t out of character or “childish”. He’s got PTSD.

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Did Anduin ever even get the chance to live as a kid? Since he was 10 he’s been a political hostage or forced to really kind of just be mature for his age. I’m not sure he’s ever had anything resembling a childhood free of like, responsibility or choice. Most royals are kind of removed from that. Even Varian had a childhood that was less stressful than that growing up in Lordareon.

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Also, aren’t they still hearing the voices in their heads? I could be wrong.

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People keep repeating this but it’s not going to change the fact that many folks are kind of tired of rolling their eyes at every mopey Anduin scene.

I want him over it whether we are clinically diagnosing him or not.


That only serves to stand how much he wouldn’t act like a kid. The dude doesn’t even know how. The pain should be reserved/witheld.

This story is more or less onpar with Naruto, Avatar, or any other teenage action. Which seems exactly like what the writers were going for. They nailed it.

A good fantasy novel would treat Anduin with way more maturity.

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It’s because she is considered disabled. There’s a very loud vocal minority group of wow players who hate anyone disabled, gay, trans, or person of color.

Yeah. Alleria always and anduin says “you’re not the only one who’s hearing voices”

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Which somehow isn’t a problem for a rogue trying to maintain stealth. :man_shrugging:

This is my theory. While I was doing Hallowfall, I even asked my husband, who completed the storyline before me, to spoil me if they reveal a Naaru inside Beledar.

I’m still waiting…! I love the Naaru :}

That’d certainly affect my personality and the way I act. I’d be moody as hell lol.

You don’t even leave blood trails despite the fact you should be bleeding or having third degree burns from what you’re holding. That’s stealthy

He’s been mopey for exactly all of one expansion. We didn’t see him in DF. If you mean at the end of SL, then okay, that was years ago, and then we got a huge break where we didn’t see him again.

Asking him to immediately bounce back after awful things happen to a character would be way worse writing than just ignoring all the awful things that happen to a character.

“Time, by itself, heals nothing.” – Thrall

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She’s a butt fugly gugly doomazz, derpy looking character that is basically a rip off of Rey Palpatine.

She’s 15? She looks like a 50 year old (2,000 year old) Revendreth vampire in the cinematic.
So weird, wtf. Weirdest, inconsistent looking character I’ve seen in WoW in a long time.

Yeah but Thrall is a crybaby too. :stuck_out_tongue:

That guy has been whining about the elements for longer than my children have been alive.