There’s only one bug I want fixed, and it’s this one because it’s pretty shabby for any purchase made by a player to result in this. The lack of communication, and the fact that GMs just drop me into a “Please Hold” queue, which changes the wait time from 1 hour to “Unavailable” just further adds to the discontent. No GM yet has explained to me yet ‘how’ this happened, ‘why’ it happened, or ‘when’ it’ll be fixed. It’s been very tight lipped, and I’ve got 49 screenshots of the interactions now for my records.
Either way, because I bought a name change that decided not to function correctly I find myself in a situation where I wonder nearly a month after it happened on Oct. 12th if I am going to lose my Shaman a second time (as this happened once before).
Posting it so people can be informed, and also avoid being in the same untenable situation.