If we’re going by likes… Would you like me to link the ML thread with around 500+ likes to the OP asking for ML to return? Cause by that logic… It’s only fair we return ML…
You heard it here everyone!!! Ralph supports ML returning!
BfA was a casuals dream and will go down as the worst expansion in WoW’s history because it catered to the casual player. Raider IO rose to incredible prominence in BFA (where it was just kind of “there” in Legion) because of inflated ilvl’s of casual players getting them accepted into keys and raid pug runs … and then killing said keys and runs.
This was an absolute pugger’s nightmare, BFA.
Why do you think they’ve now removed easy-to-obtain high level gear, war/titanforging, etc: You cannot produce a quality expansion in an MMO catering to casual players. The devs now realize their experiment in keeping everyone happy isn’t viable for an MMO (yes, MMO not RPG) and we’re going to back to harder content actually meaning something and, if a character wants to progress, get gud and do harder content.
Personally, I still see a crapfest happening because casuals will pay for more raid and key runs but I’m glad at least that they can’t just afk in a Warfront for 460 gear anymore.
No subscription is better or more worthy than any other subscription. If you create an inverse proportion where as content gets easier, rewards take longer to achieve, that respects the skill of high-end players and respects the time of casual players. If you can only feel good about what you earn if it’s denied to other players who don’t have your skill (and the skill I’m talking about is the skill of having friends and free time and min/maxing), then your values need some examining.
Again, this is an MMO, not an RPG. Solo content is NOT the focus of an MMO. There is more than enough solo content or low level group content for casual players to put themselves on a reasonable progression path for that content.
I was a “casual” player in MoP and WoD. I did heroic dungeons and daily/weekly stuff, etc. I knew raiding was “there” but didn’t want to do it as I was only learning to play. Never once did I expect the easy content I was doing at the time to equate to anything more than the levels of gear I was getting. When I got to a point where I wasn’t progressing my main I had a choice: start doing higher content or move on an alt.
I was in a guild and started realizing (as my brother had told me when I started playing) that the focus of the game IS group content. I started doing things with my guild and progressed to raiding. Lots of help, lots of time spent figuring out what I was doing wrong, figuring out ways to improve, etc.
Please stop trying to turn this game into a carbon-copy RPG.
Ex “hardcore” raider here, (back before mythics were a thing Vanilla, BC, WOTLK).
No. You don’t deserve a pathway to get every good thing in the game without putting in the effort.
What do you mean get it first? Mythic raiders put so much effort into the game it is unreal why shouldn’t they be able to achieve rewards that other players can’t? Where is the incentive? So they get their gear week 1 and you get it week 4?
That is still demoralizing to people that work at this game.
Why does everyone feel entitled to being just as good as everyone else without putting in nearly the same amount of work.
Likely because their parents have never told them “no” before and handed everything to them without them earning it so they can’t fathom the concept that there are things in life that require effort.
That being said, these threads are just veiled “anti-elitist” rants because someone has to buy their runs from other groups since they lack the skill level to do it themselves (personal theory).
This is an MMO not a single player RPG.
Here, here to this statement.
Maybe that right there should incentivize blizzard to give players a solo path to better gear, and put an end to these carry groups that are just exploiting others for gold, or real life money.
Oh NVM forgot Activision is making money from those tokens.
Your entire argument is like saying someone who flips burgers at McDonald’s should be paid the same as a vascular surgeon.
Good gear is like good pay. You get rewarded for doing harder content with better gear. If you don’t like how good your gear is, then it’s your own dang fault. Not the community’s, and not Blizz’s.
You need to put the effort in to obtain the reward. Stop asking for handouts.
WoW has been evolving beyond the original parameters of an MMO, and for players like me (job, husband, friends, commitments) it has created a way for people with limited time to enjoy the game in a meaningful way. Does your ability to play the game your way somehow evaporate or become illegal if I play the game my way? Could you explain how this would happen?