Every Raid Now

Yeah him then Indalamar loved Warriors a lot.

Wait what? Bunnings had the fastest Ony kill in Classic? though I do recall that they got the fasted something… Guess I never remembered it cause it was Ony XD

(Bunnings is from my server)

They had it for 35 mins then got beat by someone bringing more warriors, it was just the first one that popped up in a quick google search :wink:

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Don’t remember him, what was he up to?

He was basically the Drakedog of warriors, he changed their meta completely.

He was the guy that said that Warriors are actually broken in Vanilla and made a video about him solo’ing a camp of mobs without stopping. Shortly after that video Warriors were nerfed and Indalamar was hired by Blizzard to work on WoW.

Curse you XD.

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Nice, not too shabby.

I can respect someone who knows the class well. As long as he wasn’t actively trying to destroy Prot/Ret, I don’t have anything against him.

He’s also referenced in Naxx with an item called Ramaladni’s Icy Grasp, a ring with frost resist.

He’s also referenced in Diablo 3 with Ramaladni’s Cube.

I’m sure that he’s referenced in other things too.

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Passed away last year, only 41.


Ahh, rest in peace

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Yama disappeared cuz we found his main.

He disappeared instantly.



Glad to hear Yama is stepping away for a bit tbh, all that Ret hate isn’t good for him.

As for Fishfeast:

1.) Mocks paladins for QQ’ing:

^ Was arguing against buffs in that thread, btw, so he flung poop at me for no reason. Guess he saw pink and like a bull, just charged

2.) Makes multiple threads QQing about about Warriors:

I could link more, but some of the threads are actually locked (SURPRISE SURPRISE!)

And this is why you shouldn’t throw stones from a glass house. Sucks when someone has the receipts huh?

Counter point, why take the extra risk when you don’t have to?

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What risk? The content is old and solved, there is nothing difficult about any of these raids. It’s super sweaty and pathetic to be one of those people that refuse certain classes/specs.

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Would it not be objectively more difficult if the raid was filled with 25 subpar classes as opposed to 25 s tier classes, right?

Especially when there’s tons of s tier classes, why make it even slightly more difficult when you don’t need to?

You aren’t wrong, on a scale of 1-10, it’d go from a 3 to a 4.

I don’t think the difference would be much. If they aren’t dumpers, they’ll easily clear the raid. I just think it’s pathetic to deny people based off of class/spec in this kind of content.

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Okay but why would anyone make their time harder, if even by a little bit?

When I pug, I want zero headache, and taking classes that are objectively worse is a recipe for headache.

Going from a 3 to 4 in difficulty isn’t making my time harder. I rather play with people who are playing the class they enjoy instead of the meta slaves who rolled specific classes because they knew they’d be S tier.

That’s just me though and I know I’m in the minority on this, I would never expect people to take lesser specs over better ones.

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What risk is there exactly? The fact that the boss dies like 10 seconds later? So long as everyone does everything they’re supposed to there’s no issue.


Except it is literally is.

That’s a 10% increase in difficulty.

Not everyone who plays s tier classes is a fotm reroller.

You’re making the game more difficult, which can lead to failure. Especially in uncoordinated play.