Every Raid Now

I don’t agree that it makes my time harder. Maybe it takes a minute or two longer, it’s not that deep to make me care.

I would say at least 50% are fotm rerollers. People are power hungry and want to be the best without the work being put in.

Part of doing what they’re supposed to do is meeting a damage threshold, and if they cannot meet that threshold they are not doing what they’re supposed to do?

A lot can go wrong in 1-2 minutes

And even then, why take more time when you don’t have to?

Yea, plenty can go wrong. At this point though, who doesn’t know this content? A lot could go wrong with the meta slaves too…

But if they’re doing more damage, there is less time for things to go wrong.

I.E. less risk

I can say that most people that I know have a lot of characters that they play, I think it’s just that they’re bored with playing them and want to try something new each expansion. There’s a few people in my guild that have stuck to their original character and raid on it with the guild each week.

There was a lot of people flip flopping their character though I don’t think that was them chasing TFotM, I think it’s them just trying to find something confortable to play. Though I’m sure that this doesn’t apply to everyone.

The damage threshold is to down the boss before the enrage, so long as the boss goes down and they’re doing mechanics they’re doing their job correctly. I don’t understand why you think that they need to anything other than down the boss.

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Can they down it on any class? Sure.

Can they down it faster and easier than the meta specs? Nope.

Especially when I pug I want speed and I want ease.

Why hinder yourself at all? Why take any disadvantage?

That doesn’t phase me, 1-2 more minutes isn’t hurting my feelings… if we wipe, oh well, we just try again. This content is here for nostalgia, I’m not getting sweaty over it.

Why would you deprive someone of their prefered class/spec just because you want the fight to end a couple seconds sooner?

Other people are. And also, even if it’s nostalgic I don’t want my time wasted.

Because I have ample opportunity to. They can join someone else’s group. I want the path of least resistance, every time.

Well, I already stated how I feel about those people.

Okay, just shows what kind of person you are.

You’re free to choose who does and doesn’t get in your groups but if you’re in a guild and you’re like this I’d hate to have you as my GM/officer even if I play Mage.


Guild play is where people who want to play off meta can thrive because guild groups have the coordination to overcome any shortcomings.

Pugs however are clown fiestas and the definition of every man for himself. I want zero fuss. I want to get in, do the content, and get out, and I’m going to take every advantage.


This topic really kept you up all night, huh?


Here is the thing. Ulduar isn’t a short raid. Casual raiders do not have tons of time to devote to a raid(even if it’s smaller chunks over a few days). So that leaves sub-par classes(not specs, CLASSES) in a bit of a bind.

  1. Casuals won’t have time to raid with a bunch of subpar classes
  2. Sweatlords won’t want subpar classes

So who exactly takes the subpar classes?
GDKPs are about it, because the amount of gold you have buys you a spot.

Not exactly healthy for the game. Blizzard’s response to warriors not being brought to raids was to buff feral…for some reason. When warriors had “unintended playstyles” they were nerfed. When other classes have “unintended playstyles” they are buffed or left alone. It’s a really weird look for Blizz and doesn’t follow their own logic.

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I already found you out and I know you know I did. It’s inconsequential to me to prove it to anyone else.

You should not be taken seriously on these forums for behaving like that.

lies. Pure lies. our dps warrior is performing fine. sure some fights aren’t great for them but they’re top 3 on a few. That should be good enough.

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Your anecdotal evidence surely melts away 100’s of thousand logs.