Every Raid Now

Its based off old content, like i said.

Its still NEW to me.

You ok?

Just like Disney Land would be new to my kids…even tho its old…

Lol, obvious :troll: is obvious… go to bed old man.

Yah youre pretty obvious.

Or english is your 6th language.

Lol, bye :troll:

Weird cringe old men still acting 15.


Must be busy, going to make some more obvious observations i bet.

As if it matters if this is based off old content lmfao.

You were already caught using alts to post threads to bash warriors.

You have no place on the forums or in any of these discussions.

Caught where, specifically? What smoking gun proof are you talking about?

I caught you Serrannah, and I won’t let up no matter what deflections you have.

What is this, Duckhunt?

Gotta show the proof Blade.

Or maybe, and hear me out on this, the reason you’re accusing me of being on alts, is because I’ve pointed out in the past you haven’t done Algalon yet (and probably still haven’t), and you feel like you have to get something on me in your mind.

Maybe that’s the place you can go in your mind and say “Yay I got that stupid pink power ranger back!”

I just post on the character I care the most about.


What on earth is this thread, most of what I see is just finger pointing, people saying gotcha’s and people being passive agressive.

I honestly see no discussion happening.


Its Fishfeast joining the ranks of Bladetsar and Yama in terms of crying about their class holding them back, when in reality, its just them.

All you really need to know.

Oh cmon, we’ve literally just been through classic and you say this?

inb4 he says “But I didn’t play Classic so that doesn’t matter!”

Ok, well then you can’t say Blizzard hated warriors in Vanilla, because that was clearly not the case.

Of course, that’s when he will goalpost shift to TBC and ONLY talk about that.

Yeah bringing like 15 in a 40 man raid, those were strange times, then again 5 mages were also brought. But 5 vs 15…

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You can thank Kalgan for that.

For all that Bladetsar says Blizzard hates Warriors, Kalgan loved them, and he was pretty much in charge of class balance from the beginning.

If anything, Blizzard hated Paladins until they were basically FORCED to fix them in TBC and Wrath.

I actually have the receipts from Jim Jordan, the guy who balanced Frost Mages/Ret paladins back in the day, that proves Kalgans shady moves on Warriors.

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Or setting speed kill records by bringing more than half your raid as warriors. Yeah, Blizzards hates them :roll_eyes:

On a boss that even technically is supposed to have a phase where warriors can’t touch it.

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Yeah, Kalgan losing duels to paladins and then nerfing them is next level crap.

Haha, fury warrior go brrr

Yeah, well, they aint going brrr right now.

Got a flat tire driving to ICC

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