Every Raid Now

“We are not taking warriors” -Most high performing raids

Blizz: “So anyway, I started buffing feral”

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


All raids:

Contains 3 DKs, 3 Ferals, 2 Rets and 2 Rogues (and equivalent ranged).

“LFM DPS Ulduar ranged dps and heals, maybe another DK post logs”.


Blizzard hates brown classes confirmed???


I’m not convinced they didn’t always, the difference here is they were able to implement their hate by hamfisting the last patch with all the warrior nerfs pre-loaded into it.

Have you double checked if the gm wasn’t a warrior going for Shadowmourn.

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Those are about the only warriors being brought to HM raids anymore. Makes sense. If you are a parse focused guild you are only setting your overall performance back by bringing a warrior at this point, especially since commanding shout is no longer really desired for progression of undergeared/lower health raids.


Confirmed. Hell you could’ve confirmed it in vanilla AND TBC when blizzard was crapping all over warriors. They were unplayable then too. It’s been clear for 3 and a half years that blizzard HATES warriors


I haven’t seen a single raid with 3 feral druids.

lmao ret is worse than fury


Ret is better than fury…. At everything below a 90 parse, fury is better above a 90 parse, so rets are better 90 percent of the time. Also, rets bring dsac which is a raid cd which reduces overall dmg taken. Warriors offensive cds make him take increased dmg from mechanics??

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Yea but you need someone to put the sunders and use commanding shout so the rogues and warlocks can parse.


Ret is literally good on 0 bosses. The absolute best they do is middle of the pack, and the better skilled the players, the worse ret does relatively. I’m also fairly certain that nothing they bring is unique to ret. More replenishment, hands, blessings, judgments, and DSacs are good, but their dps is absolute trash even post buff.


Dog I have to go from forum to forum to keep this guy under control, I’m advocating for buffs so better class specializations exist and he’s chasing me from forum to forum arguing that blizzard keeps it unbalanced.

You responded to me in this thread, not the other way around :clown_face:

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just stop with your mediocre posts

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Just stop with your mediocre knee-jerk comments

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And yet my raid still takes Fury, hell, we even have an arms… It’s almost like we don’t need the best classes to clear the content.


how about if you apply for a simple normal guild which consists of family and friends and play whatever you want instead of bashing blizzard with your passive aggressive post

How about you recognise that most players have access to basic stats and logs, can realise utility in class and as such most sensible players won’t take more than one warrior. If they take one at all.


We take 3 warriors. People like OP like to over exaggerate things to sound more believable. Thankfully most see them for their BS


He said “my raid” meaning his guild raid. Guessing they were leftover warriors like the rest of us feel and your guild is investing in warriors for the off-chance they scale.

If they were starting from scratch they wouldn’t add them.

Want to prove me wrong? Send me their logs and I’ll see how long they’ve been in your guild.

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