Era dead thanks to gdkp

Quite a big difference in prevalence of GDKP back then compared to Classic. Can you not logic properly? LMAO

I don’t view the wow token as any more legitimate than gold bought from player-sellers.

Both are equally bad for immersion, token may be worse because it is legitimatized immersion breaking.

My allegiance isn’t to blizzard ToS but to vanilla itself.

If there were two servers, one with wow token and another in which they went hard after RMT - GDKPs would be amazing on the latter and horrible on the former.


Wrong a 3rd time. Chinese players invented GDKP in vanilla.

this is false.
you’re thinking about DKP.

Bro you have to pay for your gear :clown_face::clown_face:


It’s almost like it’s popular because it’s a good loot system so weird!

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Dude, you can make 3k just by herbing in one day…

I don’t understand your response. Are you trying to insult me or are you having trouble with finding ways to get gold?

Plenty of guilds recruiting for raid spots. You could just not join the gdkp raid and hold your own on an actual roster.

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You’re making that much because of all the bought gold.

no, its popularity comes from the skillgap having split the playerbase into two playerbases.

you never see the bad players say “i suck and i like GDKP”. It’s always worrying about the welbeing of the good players when discussed. Because the good players goldfarm the bad players in the GDKP runs.

it’s possible they then turn around and sell them the gold for RMT… a feedback loop.

it’s underground capitalism. I wonder how come chinese bots dont employ underground communist economics. perhaps because capitalism is organic?

There’s nothing legitimate about the WoW token. It’s cheating. It’s just an officially supported means of cheating like typing in “power overwhelming” in StarCraft or “iddqd” in Doom.


“3k Gold in Era is not really all that much”. With the way farming herbs and mining is at this point, that would take at least 30 hours. That is only if you are farming at low traffic hours, and only if you’re in a zone that isn’t bot owned and operated. I’m fortunate enough to have saved gold before the release of SOM, but that is still going fast.

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Introducing the token takes Bots out of the equation. Otherwise it doesn’t change much. The Card Swipers are strong in Classic Era and have been for some time.

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I can’t tell you what is happening with the PvE clusters, but this is not at all the case on the Whitemane (high population PvP) cluster. Herbs are fairly easy to come by. I’m usually not competing with more than a few other people at most in a zone and often I’ll have a zone to myself. 3k gold can be farmed in far less than 30 hours. Probably more like 3-6 hours.

I don’t believe this is even close to being true wherever they’ve introduced the WoW token.


PVE servers are rough since SoD started at least in terms of farming anything. As for the Tokens, what reason would a gold selling bot have to bot if nobody was buying their black market gold anymore?

Because people are still buying their black market gold.

Tokens were not made to combat rmt. Tokens were made so blizzard gets a cut of the rmt money


So the bots actually undercut the token price! Sounds like Blizzard needs to come up with a more competitive card swiping system then. :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s like Oumura said. Bobby needs his 17th yacht.