Era dead thanks to gdkp

And what metrics do you have access to which tells you this?

Is it? If it is how much of a catalyst is it? How do you actually know banning it would have any impact on RMT and botting? And have you considered what other negative impacts it may have on the game, particularly with Era?

I don’t have any way of actually knowing how much GDKPs may or may not impact RMT. You don’t either. Anything you think you know is anecdotal at best. The only thing we both know is that RMT and botting is happening on some level. So maybe Microblizz should focus on dealing with that directly.

I almost wish Blizzard would just make a GDKP Era Server at this point. Let everyone who wants to play that way play on an isolated server.

Let everyone else play on non-GDKP servers.

I’d be curious to see what happened over time. How does inflation compare server to server? Does blizzard find more gold buyers on GDKP friendly servers versus non-GDKP servers?

I know they’ll never do it, but it does make me think.

I have a hard time with banning GDKP despite being vehemently against it personally. It would just be nice if people could play in a world where they opt in or out of it. And yes you can find guilds that don’t, but the problem is that GDKP causes massive inflation due to the inevitable folks who buy gold to play, and the massive exchanges of gold happening. And yes I know, you can just go farm 20 stacks of herbs to sell and make lots of money. But the reality is inflation has turned rampant largely due to GDKP (and to an extent, because we are on “forever phase 6” servers.

Ultimately I think people should have choices in how they play, but I also wish those choices didn’t impact everyone else.

One last thing from this rambling dwarf. I know GDKP has been a thing. But was curious what Google Search Trends looked like for it. pretty interesting. Its clearly become “the meta” for how to play these days.

Cheers and cheese :saluting_face:


Maybe! Still, if I were you, I’d temper your expectations.

I would love this! I think though, more realistically, it would be the other way around. If Blizzard were to entertain the idea of new servers, it would likely be for players who didn’t want monetization in WoW. Which is fair tbh, there’s really no saving the economies of the current live servers. You can shut down RMT and botting all you like but folks are still gold capped and it will take a looong time for the natural gold sinks in the game to restore balance.

I would actually happilly move my characters (which nothing but BoP items and no gold) to a new server if it meant I could play in isolation from RMT. Then Blizzard can enable the token on live Era servers and folks can buy their progress all they like.

This is interesting, especially in the last month. I wonder if that spike comes as a result of the SoD anti-GDKP announcement, or if it predates that and is just interest in GDKP rising. What’s even more interesting is if you set the date range to “2004 - present”. It shows the largest spike recorded in July 2005, which I actually find somewhat unlikely. I know GDKP predated Classic’s launch in 2019, but it seems off for the largest (by far) search hits in recorded history to be less than a year after WoW’s launch.

I’m curious about what’s happening there.

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I don’t think people that GDKP would appreciate the token, it undermines the system for most carries that enjoy it. We also dislike RMT and monetization of the game.


hell yea. loving it. more on old forums still.

How do you figure? A lot of the gold that feeds into GDKP comes from RMT anyway, at least the token makes it legitimate.

Gold will always funnel into GDKPs since all GDKP does is move gold around. As long as more mats are being farmed than consumed and more gold is being introduced into the economy than is being dumped into gold sinks the GDKP pots will continue to snowball whether or not RMT exists. That doesn’t necessarily mean that people are buying gold specifically for GDKP and it also does not necessarily mean that the majority of those in a GDKP buy gold or would support RMT officially or unofficially.

I think a lot of players that enjoy GDKP enjoy it because it is a better loot system relative to the other options. It also gives a reason to run fully geared toons.

However, when there are lots of gold buyers it makes it much harder for everyone to gear using GDKPs, and creates inflation in the economy, which makes the gold from carrying rewards less valuable. Currently those players are RMTing and risking their account which greatly limits the amount of them.

If gold buying is legitimized then it will greatly undermine the GDKP system and I think a lot less people would be able to use it to gear up as the price of items would greatly increase.

It would basically turn the game into clear pay to win (like wotlk), which isn’t the case on Era at the moment as a ton of GDKP players play legitimately.

The focus should be to cut down on illicit gold, not legitimize RMT.

(tldr: the token is everything bad about RMT multiplied by the fact that players are no longer risking their accounts when doing it.)

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Sounds like you are on Whitemane? Had to laugh when watching a buddy of mine stream as people advertised AQ20 GDKPs lol

Not trying to be too much of a tinfoil hat, but I have often wondered if GDKPs are just a big gold laundering event.

Oh they are. The people defending it are willingly accepting botted gold. Have you seen the gdkp discords? They will purposely dump gold into a raid to make the bidding higher than it needs to be. And the discord organizers will purposely find 2 gold buyers with insane amounts of gold so they “bid against eachother” to make the pot massive.

But thats why theyre defending it though, pretend to not be part of the problem all while hoping to engage with rmters to get that big payout, and they can say “i didnt buy the gold directly!”

Its pathetic and has ruined the classic version of this game, and it kills the social aspect making everything transactional. Imagine trying to sign up for raids but you have to show the RL how much gold youve made. Yeah im sure the game was meant to be played this way. Shuts out anyone that doesnt buy gold or dont have the time to farm thousands and thousands of gold for a shot at an MC item


What is anyone gaining from artificially raising up binding price? Also most GDKPs HR binding for set amount because they are run by guilds who want tf for their tanks.

Why do you think buyers would return to a run in which they pay much more than average price for items?

The same people have been doing these GDKP runs for years why are people still going?

LOL Go farm gold you lazy bum. You can make 3k gold so fast on era. You’re bad and you’re mad.

You yourself have said in another post that a primary reason you like it is because you get the gold to buy your consumables. Where do you think that gold comes from?

Whether you like it or not, a lot of the gold coming into GDKP now is through RMT. The WoW Token just provides a legitimate avenue. Nothing changes for you except that you can now rest a bit easier in that you’re taking legitimate gold in GDKP runs.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely against the WoW Token, I think it’s one of the worst things Blizzard could have done to the game. It signals a resignation on their part, that they no longer wish to fight RMT but instead wish to profit from it. An “If you can’t beat 'em, join 'em mentality.”

I certainly don’t want that for WoW Classic, but we’re talking about a world where separate servers are made for people who don’t want to buy their way through the game. Those who do want to purchase their progression to one degree or another (which, frankly, includes you) can do so and the WoW Token fits right in line with that.

It’s honestly quite strange that you advocate for monetized gameplay through GDKP and happily take thousands, if not tends of thousands, of bought gold and yet you find the idea of the WoW Token abhorrent.

GDKP started in vanilla. Derp

no, those were DKPs.

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Wrong again. GDKP started long before TBC

that is incorrect, you are thinking about DKP.

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It’s true, GDKP isn’t a novel new concept. However it’s never been as widespread in the wow culture as the last 1-2 years. All you need to do is look at the forums, Reddit, or Google search trends to see that. Or you know, have been playing the game since 2004 to say, it’s literally never been as popular and dominant as it’s been now. Not even in 2019-2021 Classic was it like this.

And that’s not to say it’s a good or a bad thing. I’m not making that argument here. All im saying is that it’s become the defacto loot system in the last 1-2 years.

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