Era dead thanks to gdkp

Bobby got fired. Anyways bring wow token and flying mounts to classic. Thank you

Donā€™t look now, but youā€™re making the case for not banning GDKP. Unless, of course, you advocate banning any ELUA-benign use of the game to which some faction of the playerbase objects.

Era is alive because of GDKP, banning them would kill era overnight. Itā€™s really weird how obsessed people are with banning GDKPs instead of banning the real problem which are bots and gold buyers/sellers. Trying to dictate how people want to distribute loot is some 1984 Reddit group think behavior.

Bolded the strawman. I canā€™t speak for everyone, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen someone that does not want them to ban bots and gold buyers/sellers.


Most players GDKP. So logically banning it would help the game. Logically.

Most people do it because you have to goofy.

Good luck finding any non gdkp group. If i wanted to trade gold for gear id use the auction house. Also dont try to say theres other groups you can join because thats BS. Even if there is, its maybe 1 raid out of the 100s of gdkp+boost clownery

So much hyperbole, so little time.

No, it seems that you didnā€™t bother to read the context surrounding my response. GDKP should be fine because, on paper, it makes sense. In practice, itā€™s a disaster for an entire server and only benefits a few people. Sometimes this is just how it works.

Hereā€™s an example. Communism should be fine because it works on paper, but in practice it only benefits a small few while the rest pay the price. Waaaaait a minute, did I just compare GDKP to communism and the corruption that seeds its downfall? Oh dearā€¦ :face_with_monocle:

You might as well be saying ā€œEra is only alive because there are so many bots. Banning bots would kill Era overnight.ā€

If Blizzard gets rid of GDKP and Era dies, so be it. If the only thing that keeps someone playing a game is their ability to exploit their fellow player for profit then those people should not be in the game.

I should point out though, Era died once and it came back. What brought people back to the game wasnā€™t GDKP runs either, those came after it resurrected. So Iā€™m not worried about Era. Will less people play if GDKP is banned? Certainly, just like there will be less people in the game if Blizzard ever deals with bots. This is still a positive outcome for the people who actually want to play the game.

:100: :x: :100: :bangbang:

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People like you and the small minority that are insanely vocal about GDKP being banned donā€™t play the game though and the ones who do are grey parsing clickers that just want to be carried in MS/OS runs.

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These posts are honestly soooo corny. I hate that Iā€™m even commenting on this, but here I am. OP clearly doesnā€™t play the game. Era is far from dead, itā€™s actually booming. Thereā€™s raids going on ALL day and night, and guess what? Most of them arenā€™t GDKP. Guilds run progression Naxx/AQ runs to try to get new clear times. Most of end game bis players are just trying to min max as hard as they can for speed runs. GDKP exists in the game, but itā€™s mostly just to get some extra gold for consumes.

Thats a straight lie goofy. Ill log in right now and its nothing but gdkp and boost spam. Not sure why youre pretending its not

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Gee, and you wonder why I wonā€™t be sad to see you goā€¦

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You have to be a bot. You arent responding to anything. Just the same automated response to the air when people have replied to you.

Your parses are :wastebasket::wastebasket: so i know youre a gdkp buyer. Youre literally worse than the people that need carried cause youre spending gold for it

Eraā€™s economy is so awful and mismanaged. Join a guild that has a different loot system I guess.

Sure, the people promoting RMT while destroying the economy to those who dont RMT, hates RMT.
Specially the know RMTers that left SOD due GDKP ban, they all just had family issues at the same time.


LFR and RDF.

Then why can Blizzard track and ban players who have received illicit gold in a gdkp? Not much of a laundry if the gold comes out dirty

Real question is if they can do that so easily then why are bots a problem in the first place?



You have that backwards.
If that you are saying Iā€™d true the ā€œBuyers & Carriesā€ paradigm wouldnā€™t exist dog.

Itā€™s the RMT crowd in general that tries to skip all the content and go directly into the raids. Token or cheated gold is the same thing except Blizz gets their cut from the token.

If GDKPERS policed themselves instead of gaslighting and saying itā€™s blizzardā€™s fault that RMTers exist there wouldnā€™t have been a gdkp ban on Discovery.

Yes self-policing is possible.
Itā€™s also super easy.

Goes something like this:

  1. Open your GDKP discord, guild chat, or raid chat.
  2. Type out ā€œBuying gold is cheating.ā€ and hit enter.
  3. Kick anyone who gets mad.
  4. Have fun with your (mostly) RMT free GDKP
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IMHO because they donā€™t permaban gold buyers. Take Sodapoppin, for example.

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