[Era] A Call to the True Champions of Azeroth

Greetings, wanderers of Azeroth, and those seeking a place to rest their boots and sharpen their blades.

Hear me now, for I bring tidings from a guild unlike any other—Legacy, the steadfast defenders of Grobbulus, champions of Classic Era, and your potential new forever home in Azeroth.

While the masses discover fleeting, seasonal adventures on Anniversary realms, preparing to march through the Dark Portal, Legacy stands firm, unwavering in our devotion to the timeless world of Vanilla. For nearly four years, we’ve called Azeroth home, battling the Scourge, slaying dragons, and raising our mugs in victory after every hard-fought triumph. We are not swayed by trends or fleeting fads. We are here to stay—a guild for those who love the pure, unaltered beauty of Classic World of Warcraft.

Legacy is a tight-knit guild of adventurers, united by our love for Vanilla WoW. We prioritize camaraderie, community, and the thrill of adventure over GDKPs and min-maxing spreadsheets. We raid not for profit or ego, but for the challenge and the joy of toppling mighty foes as a team.

On Grobbulus, a microserver of about 100 active raiders, we share this world with our eternal rivals, Requiem of the Horde. While they may be vile creatures (and occasional collaborators in cross-faction shenanigans), Grobbulus thrives because of this unique, tight-knit community. There’s no auction house here; everything is bartered, traded, and earned among friends.

Our primary focus is raiding. We prioritize Naxxramas, venturing weekly into its icy halls to fell Kel’Thuzad and his minions. However, when the tides ebb and attendance varies, we dive into Ahn’Qiraj, Blackwing Lair, Molten Core, and even world bosses. We raid every Monday and Friday from 7–10 PM Pacific, striking a balance between progression and a relaxed, casual vibe.

All adventurers are welcome—dwarves, gnomes, humans, elves, paladins, rogues, mages, and more! Whether you’re a seasoned hero returning to Azeroth or a fresh recruit looking to forge your first epic tale, there’s a place for you in Legacy.

We are not a passing storm; we are the mountain. Legacy isn’t going anywhere. We have grown despite past expansions to new realms and seasonal distractions. For nearly four years, we have remained firmly rooted in Classic Era. Grobbulus is a unique microserver where your name matters, and your contribution is felt. We raid and conquer for the love of the game, and for the stories that come with it.

If you’re tired of fleeting trends and long for a guild that values its people and the spirit of adventure above all else, Legacy is your home. Join us, and together we’ll carve our names into the annals of Azeroth’s history.

Come, heroes new and old, to fight, raid, and revel with Legacy. The bards await new tales to sing. Will yours be among them? The halls of Naxxramas beckon, and we’ll need every sword, staff, and shield we can muster. Your journey begins here.

Yours in Battle,

Chronicler, turophile, and Priest of Legacy

Legacy (A) raids M/F from 7-10pm PT. You can find our discord here: https://discord.gg/Ux5m9wPYe3


For years, I have stood against the darkness, a warrior in Azeroth, watching countless souls come and go, yet I remain, for one reason: Kel’Thuzad. The evil lich and his high-flying fortress have haunted the lands, terrorizing all who dare to stand against him. Though we have slain his physical form time and time again, his dark magic reconstructs him, and his soul continues to elude us. We search, relentless, yet the elusive phylactery remains a mystery. Still, I fight, for it is my duty. He can revive a thousand times, and for every one of those thousand times, I will be there, sword in hand. I will fight for Azeroth, for in this endless war, only in death does duty end. For the Emperor… wait a sec, wrong universe.


Prior to going to Grob I was actually pretty close to being done with WoW. The main clusters just weren’t my cup of tea. I was having trouble finding a raid group who was fairly chill and keeping up with the hyper-monetized economy was kind of draining. Now I’m playing with a group who is happy to just do content and I can just go farm the things I need to be ready for the raid. We also try to have some fun, server-wide events from time to time.

If you’re a player who just wants to be chill and have fun actually playing the game long-term, Grob is definitely for you!

Worth mentioning since I don’t think Jarl covered it, but recently Blizzard closed off paid transfers in. Their reasons are kinda vague and wishy washy, but if you want to play on Grob you will unfortunately have to reroll. With that said, there are lots of people who can help you out with elite quests or dungeons as you progress. If you’re not shy about asking for what you need, but are also patient (as we are a small server, after all), you should have no trouble getting help where you need it :slight_smile:


Been on Grobb since day 1 of Classic and with Legacy for damn well near 3 years post server rapture. I’ve played in several iterations of this game, classic or otherwise, and I will say this has been my best experience with WoW. It’s not sweaty in min-maxing, but we still nudge each other in competitive spirit. We have our laughs during raid, but when it’s time to buckle up, we can get serious. We try not to take ourselves too serious, but still know not to get ourselves blown up. I would highly recommend Grobb to anyone looking to join a relaxed environment, where socializing and having a good time remain a fundamental value amongst a community.

And I will add that while we are a smaller server, levelling content may be slim pickens. However, many of us have lower level alts to make the process more enjoyable, and reinforce the comraderies of the server.

Finally, as for World PvP, the Horde and Alliance may be small, but they sure know how to throw down in a fight. There are events centered around getting both factions rallied up to bring about event WPvP around Azeroth. And if you like playing Alliance, never feel safe in the comfort of the warm glow of Ironforge… for Horde may still lurk in the dark halls of even the mightiest of Alliance strongholds…


Godspeed grobbers :expressionless:
I’m having fun grinding wintersaber rep on mankrik.


For those who still remember the hype of those long ago days of signing onto WoW for the First time & realizing you might have found a home at last. NOW many years (even decades) later you ask yourself My God what am I still doing here well make a lvl 1 on Grob & you will wind up in a Field of Dreams for when gaming was almost better than sex - after all it was so long ago your were probably still a Virgin. Classic was the WoW you may have only heard about that actually lived up to both the Hype & The Name (why it returned). WE at Grob so even the Hardcore retail player can possibly understand are simply playing the version we both love & loved the most. IF you want a true Classic experience with players that know once they have gotten every piece of gear they want - that where they would be the very next day is still playing Classic because of where the Guild, the People the Friends & Like Minded Lunatics will also be that very next day. Cost you nothing to make a lvl 1 character on Grob to see & feel this for yourself - either way enjoy your very next day of playing WoW…


I’ll add that Grobb has some of the finest, most decent players I have met in my many years playing WoW. The friendliness and generosity are unsurpassed.

In addition, the guild leader is one of the calmest, most mild mannered leaders I’ve encountered in my life, and he is also an excellent raid leader.

If you play classic hardcore, Grobb should be a destination you can choose when you “die” - something to consider while the paid transfers are unavailable.

Many thanks to Jarl and my fellows who posted here. I encourage you to come take a look if you’re interested!

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Beneath the well-worn parchment bearing Legacy’s call to arms, a new note has been affixed, written in the same bold hand:

To all who pass this way,

The call of Legacy still echoes strong! Many adventurers have already heeded this message, their names etched into the annals of our guild’s triumphs. But the fight is far from over. Naxxramas looms, its cursed halls teeming with foul abominations and undead horrors, and we still need heroes to rise to the challenge!

If you’re searching for a long-term home in Azeroth, unshaken by fleeting fads or the pull of other realms, look no further. Legacy remains steadfast on Grobbulus, championing the unaltered beauty of Classic Era. With raids every Monday and Friday from 7–10 PM Pacific, our merry band of adventurers continues to conquer the Scourge, dragons, fire lords, and all manner of villainy—and we could use you.

Whether you’re a seasoned raider or a fresh recruit ready to forge your legend, Legacy welcomes all who share our love for Vanilla and the camaraderie of a dedicated guild. Answer the call, and together, we’ll carve your name into Azeroth’s history!

Will you join us, adventurer? The bards are waiting to sing your tale.

Legacy (A) raids M/F from 7-10pm PT. You can find our discord here: https://discord.gg/Ux5m9wPYe3

Requiem (H) raids Saturday from 7-10pm PT. You can find their discord here: https://discord.gg/U4wMGSa88X

This server is way cool, if your looking for a cool group of people to play classic with this is it hands down. We have a lot of fun just playing the game we like to raid pvp and just do fun stuff. really chill group of people that love classic. Try it out and see if you like. -

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