Long Time Player LF New Community

Hey Bruce! We’d love to have you in Legacy on Grobbulus Classic Era. Based on your post, looking for a community oriented guild of Warcraft lovers (specifically our crew loves vanilla) I think you’d fit in well!

Our guild is one of two on the server (one per faction) and is a mix of players who’ve been around since Day 1 of WoW or pre wow, and newer folks doing their first ever raid with us. We’ve got KT down in Naxx and really just love playing the game. Most of us have full best in silt gear, but like I said, just enjoy playing the game or helping new guildies get items. Having fun in the purest way possible with our favorite game.

I’ll warn you the entire realm is maybe 100 people and so it isn’t the traditional experience but we love it this way! We wouldn’t be coming up on four years of a guild on Grobbulus Era if it weren’t for it.

Happy to answer other questions, and please check out our guild recruitment post for details and more info!