Gather ‘round, heroes and scavengers alike, for I bring urgent news from the ruined world of Grobbulus!
Once, this land was bustling with adventurers. Warriors sharpened their blades, mages studied their tomes, and priests whispered their prayers. But then, one day, a terrible thing happened—the Dark Portal opened. One by one, they marched through, chasing promises of fel magic and demon-slaying, never to be seen again. Cities emptied. Taverns grew silent. And in the vaults of Naxxramas, a terrible crisis unfolded…
Mountains of loot. Unclaimed. Unwanted. Disenchanted.
A cursed fate has befallen us: too much Tier 3, and not enough heroes to take it. Helms of the Redeemed, Plagueheart Gloves, Bonescythe Pauldrons—so much treasure that Kel’Thuzad himself is laughing at us, knowing it’ll all be disenchanted or worse—left to rot.
You, yes you, could be the one to stop this madness.
Legacy is recruiting, and we are in dire need of healers. If you can so much as hold a staff upright, you will have no competition on loot. I’m not joking—our healers are draped in full Best-in-Slot, and still, the cursed halls of Naxxramas demand more. Paladins, priests, druids—if you so much as whisper a healing spell, you’ll be drowning in purples faster than you can say “need before greed.”
Even if you’re not a healer, most loot has no competition. Sure, a few warriors and rogues still dream of their last few pieces, but the vast majority of gear? Free roll. No strings. No competition. Just show up and take it before we throw it into the abyss. Can you believe these travelers from Whitemane are paying top gold for their loot?
And what will you do for this bountiful harvest? Merely join Legacy, the most steadfast guild on Grobbulus. We raid Mondays and Fridays, 7–10 PM Pacific, striking down Kel’Thuzad, Sapphiron, and whatever else still lingers in this forsaken world. When Naxxramas is cleared, we descend upon Ahn’Qiraj, Blackwing Lair, Molten Core, Onyxia, and various world bosses, for what else is there to do but continue our reign?
Outside of raids, we gather, joke, drink, and run dungeons. We trade amongst ourselves (for the auction house is but a myth now), and we scheme in the depths of Discord. This is the last refuge of true Classic Vanilla adventurers—those who did not flee, who did not kneel to Outland’s temptations or seasonal distractions. The only anniversary we are celebrating is four years of Legacy this July! Take that Masters and Discoverers. Outlandish you may say, but Legacy of Grobbulus will feel no Wrath from such distractions. We seek like minded lovers of Vanilla, plain and simple folk from the countryside.
Will you let this treasure go to waste? Will you let Tier 3 be lost to the void? Or will you claim your rightful spoils and make history with Legacy?
The choice is yours, adventurer. But act swiftly—the disenchanters grow restless.
Yours in Battle,
Chronicler, turophile, and Priest of Legacy
Legacy (A) raids M/F from 7-10pm PT. You can find our discord here: