Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

Probably the ghost of Lirath.

she won Baine of all people overā€¦ Baineā€¦ this feels like part of her punishment.


I donā€™tā€¦ HATE it? But, I donā€™t exactly love it either. I really do want Alliance to be the aggressor though, so I like this set-up even though Turalyon is an odd choice to me.


Rule #1: Never read the comments, its a quasi competition of who can be the most wretched person.


Gonna have to torture myself and do the epilogue tonight if I have time :wolf:

She says something, but it is only available to Alliance.

Yeah, I usually try not to. I just had someone say a similar thing about Tyrande in my thread before this so I wanted to see what other people are thinking about this. Because blizzard really wants to present Tyrande as the bad guy even if what she is saying is all correct and she is being extremely merciful.


Hmmmm the animation is really not the best. Honestly they could have spent more time on this.
I donā€™t totally hate it, probably the best I could have ever hoped for. I guess as an Alliance player I just have to make peace with the fact that Horde characters and its faction will always have some crime committed against Alliance let it be left unaddressed.


Shandris out there throwing shade on all those violent anti-Sylvanas posters who wanted Sylvanasā€™s head. This judgement has Maievā€™s approval.


Okay. I am fine with this. I am not so picky that she needs to go in the order I prescribed.

Okay, they learned something about everyone staying silent on Teldrassil. Even without knowing what was said, simply having people have an opinion is an improvement.

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Anduin jumps into the Maw after Sylvanas.

Thatā€™s the super secret Epilogue in the book Golden didnā€™t want me to spoil.

Both Anduin and Sylvanas are completing this task together, when they return as best biddies our world, lead by warhawk Turalyon and passive Thrall will be in utter shamblesā€¦ and they will have to save the day and retake control of thier respective factions leaders as King and Warchief.

Sylvanas is called " Your fallen Warchief" not ā€œyour previous Warchief.ā€ ā€¦ hate to bust some of your bubbles but she still is the Warchief.


to say its underwhelming is putting it nicely.

Its like watching an episode of LOST, I got more questions than answers and confused to whatā€™s going on.


My game crashed in the middle of the cutscene, seems to be something with this cutscene.

Pelagos: A mortal life is so incredibly brief. I questioned whether any actions taken within that span of time could truly be worthy of eternal torment.

Kleia: I confess that as an aspirant, I did not think of such thingsā€¦ only of duty. It was not until I witnessed Utherā€™s plight that I recognized the injustice of the Mawā€¦

Pelagos: Never again will a mortal soul be sent to its depths. All deserve a chance at redemption.

Pelagos: Recent events have shown us that a single mortal soulā€“in fact, every mortal soulā€“can alter the course of eternity.

Kleia: Indeedā€¦ for good or for ill. In the end, it was mortals and their decisions that shaped the fate of the Shadowlands.

Pelagos: As Arbiter, I will take that lesson to heart. Every soul will be treated with compassion, and will be given a voice in which afterlife awaits them.


Aside from Turalyon remaining the leader of Humanity, this is something iā€™ve long wanted to see on the Horde side of things. Heā€™s been Regent Lord for too long.


Lorā€™themar: To think we now stand on the other side of the veil. That those we lost await us here among these countless afterlives.

Lorā€™themar: Is thereā€¦ anyone you would seek out, Baine? For one last conversation before you reutrn to the land of the living?

Baine: No need to spare my feelings, Lorā€™themar. You are asking if I wish to find my father.

Baine: The truth isā€¦ I do not need to. His spirit is always with me, where I go, whatever I do. Guiding me just as his ancestors guided him.

Baine: And what of you? Is there someone you would visit, given the chance?

Lorā€™themar: Prince Kaelā€™thas. Long have I held the title of Regent Lord, all the while wondering if I was truly suited to lead my people.

Lorā€™themar: I would ask the last liege of Silvermoon if he regrets the choices he made. A chance to mend old wounds, and perhaps feel that the torch has truly been passed.

Baine: A feeling I understand all too well. I pray your conversation brings you the peace you seek, my friend.


I am so confused, what is the Night Warrior power being used for? What was the ā€œpurposeā€ that the night elf souls in Ardenweald kept harping about?

Such a waste.


Well that is alot better. It does solve Sylvanas main reason for starting this war.

Seems like the supposed Cairne storyline they had in mind got completely aborted.