Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

awwww she recognizes my loyalty as a Loyalist :pleading_face: if you click on her before you make her jump in the Maw. she says I have been loyal her to all this time even when it hasn’t been easy for me and that she will look forward to my continued loyalty in the future.

kay bye, Imma go cry now


What? That was to be expected. Anduin was likely going to setup off the stage for a while. Now the question is whether we do end up going on a crusade with Turaylon in charge/have him get hit with the villain bat.

So long as they keep Anduin and his High King nonsense out of our throats, i couldn’t care less.


I appreciate that Pelagos wasn’t surprised by this, and pointed Sylvanas to Tyrande before Sylvanas brought it up.


He is showing the sort of calm parental-like guidance I would expect of the judge of all souls, who has the wisdom of the First ones rattling in their skull now, yeah.


You will get to deal with deus vult Turaylon instead.

I will happily cut him down when the time is right.


I just can’t help but cringe at nearly everything that comes out of WoW now. So many missed opportunities in Shadowlands. So much they could’ve and should’ve done. Oh well. At least we still have classic servers to play.


If anything I expect he will get a slap ont the wrist like Sylvanas.

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Incoming Holy Crusade plot, once the Naaru Turalyon venerates so highly start pulling his strings again, they will have control of the entire Alliance.

Too bad there isnt an entire alternate timeline world completely light corrupted now from which an invasion of the Light could pour forth into azeroth.


OMG Genn Greymane get off my back already. This man really wants to kill me.

“I refuse to believe that your fallen Warchief has any remorse for her crimes. When will she answer for what she did to my people? to my son?”

“You have so much to answer for as well.”

Get in line behind the forum trolls Genn.


I feel they are using him to telegraph a more aggressive Alliance stance going forward.


So, in about 6 to 8 years, something horrible threatens Azeroth. It has some kind of bad mojo that stops anyone from being able to fight it. Baine pitifully cries to Tyrande “Who can possibly fight something which has this power?” To which Tyrande replies, “There is one… and I know exactly where to find her.”


I just witnessed this and it felt like it stabbed me :disappointed:

Alliance as the aggressors in the future was as clear as Tyrande’s stank face.


Did I miss something? Isn’t that Dori’thur flying with her?

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jaina’s got nothing left to say. She’s 199% over it.

In the epilogue something follows her that is not Dori’thur.


Huh, very unexpected. That they’d interact at all and that Theron is open to reversing the “no more kings” decree Kael himself made.

Interesting reading the wowhead comments. Blizzard’s presentation of victims is working how they intend:

Tyrande still a raging orifice. Just lol.

Damn she sent her owl to the Maw. That’s bloody harsh.

Kind of wish Sylvanas would have just pushed Tyrande in the Maw instead of this crap. BYE @#$%^

tyrande sounds evil in those cinematics, like really evil

Etc. Someone even calls her the n-word on page 4. This is kind of the thing I mentioned about presentation and what blizzard wants most people to think when leading them this way.