Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

The Lor’themar information is interesting. Maybe he will solidify his place as King so he can appoint Thalyssra as Queen and we can have one big happy Horde elf kingdom fambly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


where are all these stay a while and listens?

kinda scattered all over Oribos

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Anduin doesn’t give his kingdom to Turalyon, he just says Turalyon will hold his place while he’s gone.

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Troubles a brewing between Genn and Lorthemar. Lorthemar will be asked to help the Forsaken defend Lordaeron… this is gonna be exciting.


I am somehow in doubt by the time he gets back if Turalyon will just hand it back over, unless they plan to kill him to allow them to have the alliance be bad then restore it to squeaky shiny.

The Alliance is going on a warpath, that much is clear. The Horde will be brought to the brink of extinction, and Warchief Sylvanas will come back to snatch the Horde from a crippling loss and save the day like the hero she is. Mark my words.

The Banshee Queen was the only thing standing between the Horde and total annihilation at the hands of the Alliance. The only one left to stand up to the Alliance on the Alliance side is Jaina and she will be attacked by both Talanji and Alleria.

Finally this dumb peace treaty will be broken and all hell will break loose.


Alleria/Vereesa - right next to the judgement. Darion/Bolvar further around the upper ring. And a bunch in the Crucible - you can go back to Tal-Inara and ask to be sent back to the Crucible to get them.


thanks! I’ll check them out.


Anyone else disturbed by the fact that Pelagos still not doing the job of the Arbiter?? Souls are still going straight to the Maw when Sylvie jumped in the soul stream to the Maw…

So we now have an arbiter that doesn’t do anything??


I have to say my favourite was the Genn/Lor’themar one. Both characters played true to type. Lor’themar ever the diplomat looking to build bridges and Genn having none of it.


Now that at least this is over, 22 more days to see what the hell happens next.

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It is all rather sickening.

The Windrunner sisters talk about how they might get their sister back, everyone else is all “ooh ahh”. Maiev basically says “Gee golly, this is the right thing to do”, Shandris is more or less the same.

Anduin says he’s not ready to go back to Stormwind. Pelagos will let souls help choose their own afterlife.

The only good one is Genn, who basically says it’s BS that the people she killed won’t get peace, the people who lost someone wont get peace, and that the the Blood Elf leader can shove off because he still chose to follow her orders


Dont be delusional. Even under the assumption we all go back to a faction war. I expect Sylvanas will be the last person leading it/be used to save the Horde. If anything they will probably use Lothermar or Baine, the more reasonable side of the Horde, to deal with it.


They changed Tyrande’s title. I don’t think she has the power anymore, despite what was said.

She is now only High Priestess again.

Huh, been forever Ferlion. I didnt think you were still around.

I mean if they send us on another faction war - especially if they do it within the next couple of xpacs - then the writers of this game are truly living in a sound proof bubble of their own making.

They have tried faction war twice now and they have alienated players from both factions both times. It would take extreme hubris on their part to think “Hey, third time’s the charm.”

But, if they do another faction war xpac and it’s an Alliance led crusade against the Horde, then I look forward to the Alliance getting their different story paths with a War Hawk and a Pacifist path.


Yay, an even bigger waste. Such a mockery of the “Night Warrior” arc.
Well, atleast I can be done with this game.


I doubt the night warrior thing is over. I expect it will be relevant again once we deal with the Life realms.

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Whatever. Power not used for its stated purpose, ie, for the “good of her people”/ and the purpose of the night elf souls still unclear.

Idc, Blizz clearly doesn’t so why should I? I’m done.