Those better not be the final versions. They are waaay too choppy and uneven.
Good news, Alliance diehards! Per Tyrande, Sylvanas’s exploits in the Maw are now, according to Tyrande, the beginning of her penance walk. Not the end.
Otherwise, just happy it’ll be over-ish. For now.
Glad to see Ethriel proven wrong again.
well, crap, that doesn’t answer any of my questions about the epilogue.
Something, or someone rather, goes into the Maw after her.
What high quality cinematics, even my widescreen wasn’t wide enough.
It was relatively ok considering it was just using the ingame engine. I am at least glad all the Alliance leaders were there. Also, you can really see Alleria’s anger. Jaina as well. Vereesa was the only one genuinely sad to see her go.
I especially loved when Sylvanas just sort of pops up into the frame. Like “HI!! Here now, hi!! Hi.”
To anyone who has done the quest, do any of the NPCs have flavor text regarding it?
So this is Tyrande’s commentary to the Horde after Sylvanas takes the plunge into the maw:
Tyrande: The Banshee’s penance will save countless lost souls. A fate that would not come to pass had I slain her in Ardenweald.
Tyrande: Perhaps this is why Mother moon stayed my hand.
Tyrande: The Horde inflicted a grievous wound upon my people, . You may never earn my trust… but you have my thanks for setting things right.
I guess this is their angle for why Elune stopped Tyrande; she foresaw her being forced to retrieve everyone she damned.
there is a TON. basically everyone has something to say.
I’m so glad all the Night Elf souls we saved all showed up to yell “Shame!” at Sylvanas so Ethriel can see how many we saved.
God… If that’s the intent?
So. Freaking. Dumb.
Because Elune suddenly can forsee the fate of Sylvanas, but couldn’t forsee the fate of the souls of her dead followers when they got funnelled into the Maw? Really?!? That’s what we’re going with.
So dumb.
Anything particularly interesting/hinting at the future? Busy at work right now.
No idea what you’re talking about.
great… my WoW got a critical error and stopped mid Sylvanas’s Judgement cinematic >.< Thank you Blizzard. It’s so awesome this was not on the PTR where it could be tested for these kinds of things.
Soooo much. Gossip click-on quotes and many stay a-while and listens.
Hopefully wowhead makes a post with all of them.
Anduin isnt returning, and names Turalyon his sucsessor proper. Lor’themar is going to talk to Kael’thas and is considering becoming a true king of Quel’thalas. Genn verbally backhands Lor’themar for following Sylvanas’ orders during BFA.
I mean… I’m torn between liking who I think it is, and hating who I think it is.
Who I think it isn’t:
Draka. I think that would be interesting, and make Draka even more BA, especially if she just decided to help on her own, but she has more important things to do with the now dubiously important Maldraxxus.
Anduin. While I could see him doing so for therapeutic penance, it wouldn’t match the tone his story has taken.
The Primus. While it would make sense that this is kind of all his fault, having invented domination, necromancy, runecarving, etc… his armor wouldn’t sound “familiar” to Sylvanas