Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

But we can still share something in common.

We find the same person to be creepy.

I’m not here to be creeped out… I’m here to help take back our Epics. I’m not here to duel some guy with an Honor Level of 249… like he’s Taylor Swift, and I should be proud to beat him. He’s not Taylor Swift - I am. If you want me, come find me.

Now, I’m here to tell you I have been reporting, taking screen shots of the queue manipulation- and Cross Faction EVERYTHING is coming. But KEEP REPORTING. Keep complaining., It shouldnt be too hard for some of you, since its obviously all you can do.

Now, I’m out of here… Enjoy your forum, which Blizzard doesnt know even exists.

:rofl: :rofl:

my w is broken ; my a and e are rather sick ndmy space bar vorks slighly hrderthan a politican

i dont agree with some of the things you say, but this is 1000% +1

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Don’t strain yourself too hard by typing.

Save some energy for Honor Level 250 - It’s a big one.

Take care, buddy.

Guess this means ruthless hates me and would crowbar me to unlock the John wick skin in fortnite :sob:

Take care honorbuddy.

Enjoy your meaningless number like a pile of Monopoly money.

Yo this stuff makes or breaks friendships idk dude

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Students with an attendance of 95% or higher are more likely to get As.

That’s basically the same as saying high Honor Levels is meaningless, because you know of one person who isn’t very good… You have no idea the % of high Honor Levels with 2700 Arena Rating across the board - which is extremely high.

Now, I will say that spending your days on a forum, instead of ‘‘showing up’’ probably won’t get you anywhere… in game or in life.

Maybe I will add you in game - you’d be more productive, that’s for sure.

Log off, bro… play the game. Less analogies, which make no sense.


why do u have no rating if ur honor lvl is so high

also how many more times are you gonna say you’re leaving before you actually leave

Also fatfreddy is Taylor swift

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it seems like you want to convert not debate.

Honestly, I don’t mind Fatfreddy and his terrible inaccurate analogies - but there’s something about you I don’t like. I’m a pretty good judge of character, too.

So, yeah - the main reason I’ll be leaving these forums, is your creepy vibe.

Parla italiano?


And back on topic. Things I have noticed about the premades community is they do like to defend their groups. Thats a W for friendship.

With that said, none will openly admit to being exploiters since you would just screenshot and send to support and then Blizzard would actually have to look at the forums(maybe wishful thinking). What I feel bad about is this next Season with the declining population(happens every expansion, not the world if falling, WoW is dead), not enough changes, no new pvp maps or adjustments that the number of premade consistency will explode and we non-premaders(rule followers) will end up never getting our daily Ws.

Wish we could just tag Blizzard into posts after it reaches a certain threshold to have them look into these matters.

That’s not the reason, not even remotely sufficient grounds to get reprimanded anyways.
There ARE sync queuers that acknowledge they’re cheating the system, ups to those that do imo.
I’d wager the vocal defenders of sync queueing are doing it because of cringe ego stuff, or maybe just succumbing to delusion.

purple person demands ur piety

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Who do I find creepy? If it’s the person you think it is, we actually get along pretty well.

Queue syncing only benefits that premade raid’s community. It ruins random bgs for everyone else.

Let’s not forget you’re “queue syncing” because you get a red error message when you try to queue for random bgs in a raid group.

Do you know what that red error message says?

^ That’s just in 10-person bgs. Now consider how many people’s fun get ruined by a premade raid in epic bgs. So much for caring about the growth and health of the PvP community.


This logic has never held because you’re on your “main” character and you’re among the biggest jokes on this forum. Period.


i read this and the rest of your post in draculas voice.