Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

How the terms of service have gotten SO HARDCORE with “social contracts” about 'do not upset other players, do not harass or bully other players in game, do not act toxic to other players in game or you will be banned. Yet, YOU ALLOW players to be harassed and bullied 24/7/365 via toxic, harassing, bullying, premades apparently without a care in the world and hilariously VIOLATING your OWN “social contract” and standards. “You agree to follow the rules laid forth by Blizzard every time you agree to play this game.” Yea, except the premade clowns and Blizzard don’t have to follow these rules do they… No… Only us slobs queuing into the middle of the 7th epic premade, face rolling, toxic clown-circus in a row… THAT part of the community is just straight out of luck…


I couldn’t beat 'em, so I joined 'em. They’re some of my favorite people.


my condolences


I’ll survive. :heart:


Vote with your wallet and stop queuing epics, or join them.


Solo Q 'em into the ground! Well, I solo Q still lol.

Random solo Q’ing into a premade on my side is kinda boring, though. There’s no real fight, I’d log if I knew had to do more than one epic bg in a row like that.

I like fighting them, though. Feels uphill and impossible.

But, I wonder if their side gets bored too. 10 to 1 kill ratio and rolling over pugs just seems so friggin yawn.

Holy moly, I’m yawning writing this.

Maybe some people like boring BGs?


Is this dude seriously trying to compare epic battlegrounders to rank 1’s? LMFAO!


Didn’t you hear? Team Liquid is specifically queueing into him and targeting him in ebgs


I saw you in an Ashran horde semi premade tonight. You guys bullied an alliance PUG team.


This has become such a joke, only it’s not funny.

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The fact that epic premades exist and ruining other players experiences or that people are complaining (rightfully so) about them ?


That’s when they start toying with the pugs to entertain themselves.

For example, they hide inside their base and let the pugs take the rest of the map. After the pugs get false hope of victory, the premade raid leaves their base and rolls the pugs from one end of the map to the other.

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Your “analogy” is as bad as your trolling, Paindevice - Area 52.

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Yah, I’ve been in a few where the premades draw out the map/game. They don’t finish it, kill the end boss or whatever, but close it out by player deaths.

I guess it earns them a few more honor or something.

I don’t know how they can play with that level of boredom. It’s not really a game. But, maybe some people just like pvp simulators? I mean it’s comp stomp this week and yeah, pvp simulator lol.

I wish I knew how Blizz could allow people to play together and stop the cheese. But I don’t, so I understand their choice to err on the side of allowing people to play together.

They made Blitz, which is supposed to stop all that, but I have not tried it and, frankly, I probably never will. I’ll just keep playing plain vanilla random/epic bgs. /shrug


It’s pretty fun. Quick and interesting mechanics. Pretty chill too for decent conquest.


in a premade vs pug game only half the players are having a bad time.

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I don’t know if you’re trying to be cute or actually believe this.

Based upon the sheer number of pugs that will cycle through against a premade makes your math wrong.


Poor sportsmanship is sad. In a videogame, it’s pathetic. Just do rated if you want to play in a premade group with everyone on comms.

If the only way you can play is with the opponents at a huge disadvantage, what’s the point?

Blizz needs to make solo queue solo and premades rated, end of story.


Blitz is the best thing they added for PvP in ages. It just doesn’t go into epic BGs yet :frowning:


So in a mmo a group of people get together to do stuff is bad and toxic now? Like I don’t have a bone in this dog fight one way or another but your logic is the same as guild raids are toxic cause they have an advantage over pug raids. Again I have to point out this is an mmo.