Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

no :stuck_out_tongue:


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Falls over laughing

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I did it honorbuddy!


Honor level 250!



It feels good getting away from the forums, I bet.

I had to choose between talking to Elise or gaining another 3 and half Honor Levels.

I’m sure I made the right choice… I think we both did.

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Hey! I ran into this guy in 3s.



2-0 count for anything?

I guess it depends on who his partner was - he usually carries bad players from his stream.

I mean, if you’re proud of it - that’s what matters.

He’s more serious on his DK (2300 3s, 2400 Solo Shuffle.)

He wasn’t streaming. I checked just in case. Apparently hasn’t streamed in a bit.

Does this say anything about honor level though? His rdruid he always runs with (6x rank1) at 847 honor level, the warriors multi duelists.

Me at 252, my ww partner at 246 honor level, our healer at 318 honor level.

Together we aren’t even half the honor level of flark, or 1/3rd the honor level of him + Jake alone, yet we beat them pretty easy both times (Flark didn’t even bubble the first time).

Maybe he’s bad at Paladin?

I’d probably lose to a clicker on my Warlock.

Your theory about Honor level is just wrong. You claim it’s meaningless, because one person that you know of, is really bad - and I’m taking your word on that. Truth is, a majority of high Honor levels have high Arena ratings.

Just like your claim that D students have perfect attendance. 95% of students who have perfect attendance - are actually A students. There’s no D students with perfect attendance.

If Flark fought you 1v1 (on his DK) - he’d win. If he fought you on his DK in Arena - he’d win.

He’d win, because he doesn’t spend his time on the forums, which nobody cares about - making 2,665 posts. He uses that time to play the game.

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You just need to stop being so salty. I’m going to start calling you Saltyfreddy.

I’m on my way to being top 10 in the world in Honor Level. I’m going to be #1 in the US. It’s only meaningless to those of you who can’t accomplish it.

That’s how the world works… If somebody can’t do something - they put it down.

Unfortunately, there’s no rankings for top Battleground Forum Poster.

Anyone can accomplish a four digit honor level by quitting their job and never experiencing sunshine nor female companionship.


The Guy With 5,748 Forum Posts.

I’d suggest some of you quit your jobs then - because, I’m not seeing any of you accomplish, well, anything.

It’s objectively meaningless because there’s no measure to it besides time spent.

Would say the person who watched the most YouTube videos in the world has accomplished something? Or collected the most garbage? Because that’s pretty much the same.

Honor level is like some weird Guinness book nonsense that means nothing.

Ranked PvP actually has numbers associated with it that say “you objectively rank at this number based on performance”.

You’re the only person I’ve ever seen somehow equate honor level (time spent) to success. If bicmex started a new account on us he’d still be the best survival hunter in the world, and would prove it in actual rating very quickly, but his honor level would still be trash.

Bicmex is sub 1000 honor level, so is he bad?

Because by actual objective measurements (rating season to season) he’s one of the best players in the game.

Go get some actual rating - anywhere, solo shuffle, 2s, 3s, rbgs - anywhere that can measure if you’re as good as you claim. Then I’ll consider actually dueling you instead of just wasting my time like I’m raiding a starting zone killing level 1s.

And salty is a great title, requires fishing and fun to get.

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Nobody is here bragging about forum posts like you do honor level. There equivalent though - means time spent and nothing more.

Also; where’s the ranking page on the wow website for honor level?

I see ranked listings for mythic plus and for ranked PvP, but nothing for honor level.



you basically begged to duel me. lol.

You even asked me to add you on Bnet. I’m not here to add some 250 Honor Level kid to my friends list - or to get life advice from a guy who has 5,748 forum posts.

I’m here to try ending this premade nonsense. I’m not looking for ‘‘friends.’’

It’s meaningless after 500.

There’s not really any competition for honor level, though, it’s just something worked on collaterally/secondarily.

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You said you love 1v2 and beating people. Cidi said he’d take you up, I said I’d join then you decided that honor level is what’s needed.

So then I showed you how I beat flark and Jake in 3s twice last night, somehow despite them having triple our honor level as a team lol.

I’m just enjoying trolling you and your hilarious concept that honor level means anything besides time spent.

Maybe get over 1,000 forum posts and you’ll get a sense of humor.

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Oh, 1550 since 2013

I can understand the preference for Honor level as some kind of metric.

No. See, the problem with you is - you got rejected. You don’t like being rejected. So, now you seek me out in every thread. I was wrong about Elise - she backed off.

You’re the one that’s creeping me out.

Now, I am here to help end this premade nonsense. You either help me out with that, or go back to posting recipes, or whatever the hell it is you’re ‘‘good’’ at.

I’m not dueling a 250 Honor level player… or adding them to Bnet.

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Just because your profile is hidden doesn’t mean we can’t see who you are.

Check PvP - Owlcapwn-Tichondrius

Punch that in and it’s easy to see you’ve done nothing.


My bro reached over 2k on his SL/Sl lock back in BC clicking and that was when people would instantly train the fel puppy in arena, because it did not have resilience scaling. Clickers in PVP are underrated and can show more skill than those that have five million addons.

Pikaboo is a beast for playing with no addons as an example.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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