Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

pvp nov ; if i find premades i just hide so they do not get any honor kills , pvp is broken and needs fixing BUT it has to be the easiest designer job in america !

I didn’t start doing epic battlegrounds till SL. try again

LOL…because it isn’t.

It’s just an indicator that you do a ton of BGs.

You’re a compiler. You’re the Raphael Palmiero of BGs.

I would hope you are good after doing that many. You should be, and I am sure that you are, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are. To prove my point further, (and I am sorry to be that guy) isn’t Framm’s honor lvl pushing 1000? I mean…


I’d vote for Harold Baines as a better comp.

22 seasons and career 38 WAR.

When 65 war is consider HoF status, 38 over 22 seasons is low.

Mookie Betts has 66 in half the time already.

Palmiero isn’t in the hall due to PEDs most of all.



I 100% agree with the comparison to compilers though lol.

Honor level is just being there. A bot could do it (and they do!)

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Yes, it’d be total shame if I had a retail character that was routinely up against premades and the only reason I wouldn’t have bothered to switch between retail and classic is because who cares?

Doesn’t change the fact queue syncers pretending to have the moral high ground on anything is laughable.

Then that’s even worse, not the best hill to die on

Is your w button broken

armory shaming someone else while hiding your own profile and hiding on an alt is called being a hypocrite.

queue syncing comes with positives for the pvp community as it creates group cohesion and gives players a sense of belonging when they have a community to play with. and its better for your mental health to be playing this game in a group with friends than solo and alone.

so there is an actual debate to be had about the merits and positive values of premades.

I really have no horse in this race but you are like 384 in rated battlegrounds?

price is right losing horn

belonging in the recycling bin

Parasocial relationships ain’t the move

No there isn’t
Add cross faction and exile premades to war games, everyone wins unless you’re a pirate with all your skill points in dodge and scouting

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look, Elise, i realize you have some personal issue with me that has lead to you following me across multiple discords and multiple classes, but whatever it was, it wasn’t enough to register on my radar, so just going around and saying stuff you think will get under my skin isn’t helping the conversation nor is it helping your personal crusade, it just makes you look like a creepy stalker.

ummm what?
I just think u have awful takes lol, we share one discord, and a public forum where we both take the same bait, so lay off the stalker nonsense.

Are you taking my disagreements personally cause like…that’s on you then.

no, im just wondering why you keep following me around and trying to upset me, and like i said not just here, but discord too.

and i say trying to upset me because you just come in and quote me and then say “wrong” but never give any explanation or counter argument. its obvious you are here to troll and not debate.

The only positive to exploiting is for the exploiters that are rolling in the worthless currency that is honor.

Every point you make about exploiting is a thinly veiled attempt at trying to hide the fact you’re all cheaters.


Ok you’re actually just making stuff up lol
I don’t talk to you in discord.

? Don’t open the anti sync threads then

Not my intention, that’s all on you for thinking disagreements extend to the personal level, I think you say nonsensical stuff frequently about syncs, if you’re deriving “elise thinks less of me as a human” from that, then you gotta review your calculus

Because you always argue in bad faith, and have a close minded perspective, leading to cyclical “debates” that end when the long sleep claims us all, I’ve given up investing effort vs people who are fully convinced sync queueing is good for the game.

I’d ask if you’re going to accuse me of heinous things to please stick to reality, I don’t talk to you.


Yeah… I’ve been here for a few days - and she’s been all over me, too.

I tried ignoring/muting her, but I have no idea how to use these forums - mainly because unlike her, and guys like Fatfreddy - I actually try to be productive.

If they fought as well as they type - they’d have higher Honor Levels than I.

I’ll be signing off these forums after today - I just hope you people continue to report premade groups in game, and on Twitter - with specific details about the queue manipulation/game disruption going on. That should be our main goal. They’re the true enemy.

Bring back our Epics.

The irony in your post is that the person you just responded to is a big part of the Epic pre-mades you dislike so much, you are aware of that?


You’re like a D student bragging about perfect attendance. Honor level is the ultimate participation trophy in this game. You just have to show up enough and it comes to you, zero effort required.

You can’t even lose honor level. It’s just get it for showing up.

At least rating can be lost if you lose. But you’re probably too scared to find out you’re not as good as you think.

I’m not saying I’m good either. I get rival, push somewhere in the 2k range and that’s my wall.

But I at least try in the only area that actual scores skill, not just gives points for showing up :rofl: