Epic Premade?

So in other words, grouping up DOES give you an advantage?

Yes, never said it doesn’t. But it’s not unfair, you could learn to do it yourself. They aren’t doing anything that you can’t do.

And it’s a Massively Multiplayer Online game, you’re meant to group up. It’s not meant to be Me Me Online.

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Then don’t defend a comment where someone is claiming otherwise.

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No, you’re claiming that it’s unfair. It isn’t. You can do it too. Just because you choose not to doesn’t make it unfair.

Otherwise, again, someone could turn chat off, then claim that anyone who uses chat has an unfair advantage and cry on the forums that they should be banned. Which is ridiculous. It’s an advantage to use chat than not, but if you choose not to, it’s hardly unfair.

CTRL+F Unfair. 0 by Kthis.

Playing together often, you have an advantage. This is something that PuGs can’t do, because their queue is random. This is something that I can do because I can choose to group up. Me queueing up with others will still not affect the PuGs. You have an advantage because you are in a group.

The person that I quoted claimed that people in a group do not have an advantage. I am claiming that people in a group do have an advantage.

Try that here:

You can pretend to be stupid if you want. But it shows that you’re just trying to cope with not wanting to win.

Person said Grouping does not give an advantage. I said grouping does give an advantage.

Edit: Actually I didn’t say unfair in that thread either.

Grouping only gives advantage because the players who don’t are often unherdable, they refuse to listen or play to the strat of the map.

If players learnt the map, or listen to the people who have, they would have a much greater chance of winning.

Games would be much better, if, at the chance that PvP might happen, people didn’t /afk away.

You don’t have to play with the same people. If everyone played to win, rather than played to get a measly amount of honor, they would be in a better place to win more honor. And conquest.

Premade communities don’t always play with the same people, they often have 1000 people in their communities. The difference is that the people who queue, choose to want to win games. And actually PvP.

You’re literally agreeing with me, yet still trying to argue. I’m telling another guy that grouping does give an advantage when he claimed otherwise, yet you’re getting upset with me and explaining to me why my point true? Take a step back and analyze this situation man.

But they didn’t. They said that you lot “choose to believe that joining as a group gives some magical and unsurmountable advantage”. Magical and unsurmountable. It isn’t magical, or insurmountable. But it is an advantage.

You seem to read the bits you like, and ignore the rest.

What was that about ignoring bits?

Claim to be stupid all you like. You can cope just like the rest of them.

I’m not claiming to be stupid. But I would appreciate an apology.

Appreciate away. You’re not going to get one.

Well, that’s just rude. You were wrong in claiming I said unfair. I deserve one. How can I argue with someone who is so unwilling to cross their line in such a small and insignificant way?

You can choose to think that if you wish.

I would apologize to you.

Here’s my best apology.

Yes, I’m sorry, you didn’t outright say unfair. But you imply it when you reply to posts like this:

Or even closer:

unfairly have an advantage.

Honestly, I feel that I deserve an apology now.

You’re just being petty now. Having an advantage is in itself unfair. It wouldn’t be called having an advantage if it was fair. Stop being obtuse and trying to downplay what you do.

Not if the disadvantage is by choice.

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