Honestly, some pugs just ignore the strat meeting at the start of the match anyway. Or have chat turned off. Often have random people going off their way. Which doesn’t help. And then they argue that their way was better the rest of the game.
Yes, you can go to BT first in WG, but the whole team has to go, to starve the enemy of kills so they can’t get vehicles. No point only 10 people going. The other 30 won’t have the pressure to kill anyone at SR, which just gives the game to the attackers. Which is why it’s often better to just all go SR. And you have to fight near the flag, no point standing so far back you’re outside the area of flag influence. But sometimes people simply refuse to listen.
And on IoC, yes, you can leave through the front gate, but you’ll get to Hangar late. Leave through the gate closest to Hanger. Horde side, glider across from the cliff. Alliance side, use Crusader aura. And when the gate opens, be against the gate, not where you spwan, otherwise you’ll be late.
Nothing you can do with choke points, except be prepared to PvP.