Epic Premade?

Honestly, some pugs just ignore the strat meeting at the start of the match anyway. Or have chat turned off. Often have random people going off their way. Which doesn’t help. And then they argue that their way was better the rest of the game.

Yes, you can go to BT first in WG, but the whole team has to go, to starve the enemy of kills so they can’t get vehicles. No point only 10 people going. The other 30 won’t have the pressure to kill anyone at SR, which just gives the game to the attackers. Which is why it’s often better to just all go SR. And you have to fight near the flag, no point standing so far back you’re outside the area of flag influence. But sometimes people simply refuse to listen.

And on IoC, yes, you can leave through the front gate, but you’ll get to Hangar late. Leave through the gate closest to Hanger. Horde side, glider across from the cliff. Alliance side, use Crusader aura. And when the gate opens, be against the gate, not where you spwan, otherwise you’ll be late.

Nothing you can do with choke points, except be prepared to PvP.


You can, with coordination of “Did queue pop for all at x time, if not don’t accept.” though I honestly consider it a bit of an exploit.

Really don’t like people that make disingenuous arguments.

The times I’ve played with SaS, they just accept whatever queue they get, and make do with what they get.

Almost all the strat is in the start of the match, In SaS, it’s all through /rw and /i. I don’t know where I’m being disingenuous.

I haven’t played with the other groups, I can’t speak to their methods.


I don’t think Hirav was being disingenuous.

Almost all Premades do the same strats us pugs, just slightly better and that’s enough to win 90% of games.

  • IoC: Everyone goes Hangar. Pugs go there and teamfight. Premades make sure they Crusader Aura there, will push in hard to make space around the flag and ask for any/all CC be used to help choke or cut off the enemy because they know the only thing that matters is capping the flag. Whoever caps, wins. Even if you lose the teamfight you can still win if you capped because you can just spin/survive until respawns come.

  • Ashran: Everyone goes RoC because scrolls/frags/AA/mana in one place is a huge advantage. Pugs just run from gates opening to RoC and wait for combat to start wherever. Premades stack prior to entering RoC and wait a 10 count to consolidate their forces and allow the enemy to engage the Ogres. Then they come in Shroud/Lust and are stacked enough to engage at once and start getting kills. Whichever side see’s HK’s popping up feels like they’re winning so they push in and get aggressive which usually means they do win.

  • WG: Everyone goes SR because Workshop control and vehicle usage is the whole game. Pugs are afraid to push in and choose to play it safe instead which is almost always a guaranteed loss. Premades know that the teamfight doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is getting or holding the flag and racking up 5 HK’s to start building Cata’s. Whoever gets that first wins. Pugs being too afraid to push the flag or push out ahead of the flag lose every time.

  • AV: Is the odd one out. The surest way to win is to teamfight in Valley of Strife and stop the enemy deathball from pushing into your base with numbers so that any minimal defense can succeed. Wiping the enemy team also means most people won’t know what to do or where to go after they res at a GY. Apart from that I think the biggest advantage premades have is by pushing/capping with a whole team and then using recall when necessary. But AV is the most volatile map imo.

The beauty of all of these strats (apart from AV) is that they’re extremely simple, offer huge advantages to the winner in the opening minute or so of the game and give clear paths to victory that all the pugs can play along with. Winning RoC means everyone will hand in frags and then stay with Fangral/Krosus all the way up to enemy Mage which is 90% of the way to a win. Same with Hangar in IoC in that everyone knows once you take Hangar all you have to do is defend from Glaives and it’s GG. Same with WG in that everyone can and will follow the vehicle deathball and ressers never know what to do.


Oh, I forgot Ashran.

Yes, you can backdoor, needs a large chunk of the team to go. And they need to wait till people engage the ogres at RoC. Otherwise they will just teleport back and kill the team. Sometimes they do anyway, it’s a big risk if not done correctly.

Teleports: Horde side, building to right of spawn point, at the back, downstairs is a prison, last cell has a scroll on the ground, has sparkly visuals.

Alliance side, prison in the main keep, door is at the back, to the right, when you enter. Same thing, scroll in a cell on the ground.

They stack to 5. Teleports back to main keep on either side.

Rogues or druids should go to kill the fragment turn in quest guy, Anenga for Alliance or Narduke for Horde. At the start. They will respawn after about 7 Minutes.

If you die with Artifact Fragments, you lose half of them.

If AA (Ancient Artifact) is up, whoever is holding it gets 200% increased damage or healing, and an extra 100% maximum health for 30 minutes. Best for a range class to carry it, mostly because if they die, it drops and anyone can pick it up whether it is an ally or enemy.

Also, the Solar Sphere, or SS, can be found in a room in the mines under the map, it gives a raid wide 20% Haste buff, only one side can control it at a time. There is an entrance to the mines on both sides, near each mage tower.

In the forests, opposite side of the road from RoC, there are blue flowers called song flowers, they give you 15% increased stats.

Long guide, I know, but Ashran is complex, there are other nuances to the map, but these are the most important.


I think they were, they just gave a disingenuous example.

Like that, like there’s no more complex strats or anything going on. There’s nothing their own team will be doing and generally does, nope. No different than ashran and all that.

Giving PvE BG examples is kinda funny, epics are quite a bit PvE related and generally have insane buffs/debuffs/items that make it more about that stuff than actual PvP. There was a thread up about Ashran premades not long ago and all the different strats and specific items that are super important and the thread tried to say it was all about some sort of exploit with AA.

I don’t know what you’re expecting. The simple strats are often the best.

Like I said, Ashran is a lot more complex. It used to be more so, when it had events.

Yes you can.

You can drop queues and requeue until you’re happy with the groups that are going in.

That’s how you bring premade raids into random bgs. Play mini-games with the matchmaking system until you get your groups into the same bg.

Some might, but not the ones I’ve been in.

So, you can control it.

Possibly? Though control is a terrible word for it.

Every group could get a pop at the same time, and sometimes you’ll be placed in different battlegrounds.

Isn’t that what premade raids are doing?

They control who’s on their team and they stack it with the players they want.

Not the ones I play with, it’s just people like you, but they’re tired of the cats who refuse to do the strats.

I don’t know what else to say, your idea of stacking the deck just doesn’t happen in the games I’ve been in. People just follow directions better.


What’s that supposed to mean? People like me?

Random people, with random gear, with random experience. But they don’t just leave as soon as it looks like PvP might happen.

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That’s what premade raids do.

I want these 10+ or 25+ players on my team.

I’m stacking my team with the players I want.

But they don’t. That’s just your fantasy. The way you cope with losing.


Are you saying they don’t bring in the 10+ or 25+ players they want on their team?

These premade players can’t cope with losing, so they’re forming premade raids to guarantee wins.

The games I’ve seen, there isn’t any organisation.

The call is made in the community that people are queuing.

You can queue in groups or as a solo player.

Everyone who queues wants to win, and is happy to listen to the leader.

That’s it, there is no checking gear, or composition. There is no way of knowing if they will all get into the same eBG, even if you try to play the roulette wheel of queue pops.


It’s not a guaranteed win. Pugs sometimes rise to the challenge. Not often, but only because they are unherdable cats.