Premades need to be stopped

I would rather have that then attack

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This is fine I want the title anyway


It’s ok pencil.

Don’t let them make you stay small.


Nothing wrong with being small =)

You know i really resonate with this message.

Thanks for bringing light to this sensitive topic.

I know pencil length can cause some discomfort

For me, if i was in a room taking a test with a 2in pencil, and all around me were guys with the standard 7.5in number 2 pencil i would feel a little intimidated.

But its true whether your pencil is short or long, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of your writing ability, then you dont need to feel like your pencil is inadequate.


I laughed harder than I’d like to admit to this post

I’ll trade you pencils if you want.


You are aware you are taking this way to seriously, we are talking about a game, not real life but a game.

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But you have no rated data, it says you have zero rating in every bracket?

He’s been overseas for 3 months. He was 2400+ in Season 1.

Well this isn’t Season 1 and he has zero rating.

Charming openly cheated to get his 2400.


Abused the fact that leaving didn’t affect rating or MMR, right? And then when they fixed that he tanked a bit and never queued again.


yeah it is frustrating. i saw a cheater in battlegrounds. when i see a premade. i suddenly left not to play that team again and start over. bad people do that. it is a shame.


He would leave games where there was classes he didn’t like, or when he had 2 or more losses.

I’m sure the threads around here somewhere

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i would not play with cheaters. that is why i resign. it’s unfair to people. not gonna do that till they put better stuff.

i see. some people are awful.

so when do YOU start taking it seriously??

if you don’t come to WIN don’t show up.

that IS the OBJECTIVE.

See I don’t get this… O.K. maybe if you see a 30 man premade in epics.

but in a regular BG if you see TWO people from the same server will you just bail??

YOU are screwing your team over if you leave every BG you think there is a premade.

now your team has one less player and they might just be 2 random players from the same server?

IF everyone shows up to the BG prepared and geared to fight it really wont matter if the other team has a premade.

I have VS premades and won plenty of games

I am so sick of hearing the excuses

  • oh they have MORE healers than we do, it’s a loss
  • oh they have more hunters than we do, it’s a loss
  • oh they have a party sync, it’s a loss

IF players would show up in appropriate gear and prepared to fight, these wouldn’t be issues.

I really wish Blizzard would add in a MINIMUM i-level requirement to join PvP, this way anyone showing up would have at least BASIC gear and be able to participate.

The problem I see is players who show up totally UNPREPARED & UNGEARED, then complain because the OTHER team did their JOB.

How long did it take Blizzard to fix this?

RSS must have been a mess with frequent deserters.

A few months