Epic BG premade ruining the fun

Bless your heart!!!

Blizzard says it’s okay to sync Que BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

Stay mad lil bro

Where have they said that?

It’s what the facts are telling me.

What facts would those be bud?

You know tbh the only way blizz is going to do something about it is if we talk with our wallets. Fortunately there are other game modes where you don’t have to depend on communities circumventing intended game restrictions or not to enjoy said game mode. I’m going to peace out of epics for the foreseeable future. Good luck on your endeavors and think about not queing epics. It works for me.

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That this topic has largely been ignored because there are zero well-reasoned arguments against premades.


rare & exclusive video evidence of epic sync premade dodging in action. it may be painful to watch as all those poor pugs are left behind to suffer, viewer discretion is advised


I stand corrected. One of the customer support back in 2019.

Did agree it’s fine to sync que for seperate groups in the fashion mentioned in this thread.

Nah I’m not. Whatever helps you sleep at night to cover your imperfections.

No, it has been largely ignored because blizzard doesn’t pay attention to pvp.

Where does it say sync queue is ok? All it says is queue at the same time isn’t considered cheating. But queueing at the same time is not the only thing these people are doing.

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I don’t have to sync Que to get my casual conquest. Thin skin is what it is, when one has it, one can’t lie to themselves.

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Neither do I lmao. Only difference between you and I is I don’t blame external factors when I lose

No, you just exploit to make sure you have a huge advantage. Also, I have seen you cry about pugs so technically you blame them for you losing.

By being part of the Alliance, you’ve forfeited the right to complain about the sync problem to any Horde player.

  1. The Alliance makes up 90% of the population, yet still forms syncs.
  2. You’re part of the Alliance. If you want to even things out, go roll Horde.
  3. Telling the Horde that they are part of the problem is funny. See point 1.

Thanks for ruining epic bgs for a lot of us.


They made their bed, they can lie in it. We’ve washed our hands of them.

I used to fight it out to the last man and take the L.

The increase presence in premades made me much more willing to AFK out and relog and hopefully get into a fair game.

So much to the fact that any names I recognize as those that Epic Premade and we lose that team fight I will AFK out.

I’ve seen common epic premaders AFK out of games when they lose the team fight aswel.

So I would say that the increase presence of premades have made it so a lot more players are willing to jump ship.

In my decision making, I afk out of a lot more games whether pug or premade due to the increased presence of Premades and no longer willing to be part of their cheating fodder.

You mean you decided you don’t wanna lose to us anymore