Epic BG premade ruining the fun

Yeah, whatever you think, I don’t care. Like I said, have fun fighting pugs.

Have fun hiding your head in the sand

Git gud I guess.

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You first bud.

Thanks again for ruining mine as well as many others experience in epic bgs pal!!! Bless your heart!!!

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dont let the door hit you on the way out

Thanks for ruining epics broseph.

my games are just fine. win some lose some but blaming the team who wins is pretty narcissistic.

I’m not blaming “the winning team” I’m blaming people who intentionally circumvent the intended group limit of five by Que syncing. If that’s not you good day sir. If it is you then you are the problem.

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Get rid of these que-synch cheaters. Garbage players. they aren’t real pvp players. dont allow them to post in pvp forums. give them their own channel

Someone brought up a great point about this being applied to blitz.

If sync que is “completely fine” according to some, and because of that, any consequence(premades) of it is fine by proxy, then surely they will be fine if everyone finds a way to sync que blitz and dominate the solo and duo players. But everyone already knows that would be wrong.

The bottom line is that the que limits are very clearly the way blizzard intends for players to engage in the content.

“No more than 5” = no more than 5.
NOT “No more than 5 unless you found a way to have a discord raid that countdown ques.”

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yeah let us know once that happens (it wont)

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Real Scotsmen don’t put sugar on their porridge!

They suspended reality to make that point, and you did too if you thought it was great.

Both you and they, are jumping at shadows.

It isn’t possible to consistently sync Blitz, beyond the first couple of games, simply due to the rated nature of it. Eventually you would be far enough apart that you would be in different brackets.

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but they do have milk spraying out of their nose :rofl:

Scotsmen wear dresses

But only if they want to.

so did jesus

ya’ll need some fashion lessons, scotts wear kilts and jesus wore a tunic, neither of which are dresses, but also neither are pants

Kilts are cool.

Neither dresses, kilts, Scotsmen or Jesus are cool.