Epic BG premade ruining the fun

Premades have been going on for 20 years if you weren’t aware. They’ve been complained about all 20 years too.

But you think something will magically happen now because… because of your refusal to give a well-reasoned argument.

I mean, the joke writes itself lol.

If you had, then you would’ve convinced Blizzard by now. What you consider to be “well-reasoned” is not what others consider to be well-reasoned. Try again.

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Yes but rare and far between and blizzard said please don’t it’s not healthy for the game.

Again, I have given plenty, and it’s such a problem now something needs to change.


Correction, what YOU don’t consider to be well-reasoned. But we all know reasoning isn’t something you are very good at. If having a healthier fun game for everyone isn’t a good reason to you that simply proves why you exploit.

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There’s no defending Que synching. Real PvP players, who play with sportsmanlike integrity, are real PvP players. Que synching cheaters are garbage players. They belong in their own forums away from the real PvP players.


anyone ever baked bread

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Played a few pug vs. pug games today where the pugs gave up after the first fight, didn’t want to try, AFKd, complained about everything except what they did wrong, etc.

Pugs ruining the fun too.


ever come up with new material ? y ? n?


Who said I dont solo queue? Am I supporting even fights for the spirit of fair competition? Absolutely!

Guys, there is just no Horde premades community that play as much as I do. I queue sync when the Horde communities are around from 10pm to 1am est. Outside of that I face countless Alliance communities almost every match as solo or a small group under 5.

So if I’m playing more as solo queue or with a small group under 5 more often how am I ruining EBGs for you?

I’ve even declined invitations to play as Alliance because there’s not enough Horde.

My point here is do not blame premade syncs if you’re not putting any effort after losing the first team fight. No queue fix will fix that.


I always put in effort I just don’t play epic bgs anymore because of the sync premades. If you sync premade your not only part of the problem you really are the problem.

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Hordes dont sync as much as Alliance, who does it all through out the day and night, so preach to them.

Nor Blizzard, which is why you are being ignored on that front.

In Alterac Valley, I see people rushing to the end ignoring enemies in the mid

In Arathi Basin, I see people fighting on the road with only 2 bases

In Warsong Gulch, I see people fighting in mid while the efc running happily at the side

In Eye of the Storm, I see people fighting in the road while losing points

In Wintergrasp, I see a bunch of players chasing a single player

And lots more…

So you saying premade ruining BG?
Premades are just a bunch of players willing to win the game and get honors instead of just killing random people. There’s an old saying the quality of rated bgs nowadays is equal to random bgs before.

never ? disappointed in reading the same line x40 yuh you bet

you mean gy farm pugs for half the game yuh totally LOL


Whatever you need to tell yourself to excuse your bad behavior I suppose.

Yes, let’s discuss the damage premade raids are doing to the epic bg bracket:

  • One-sided games and roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.
  • Games where one team starts half-empty because premade raids are mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system.

Devil’s Advocate but what is the difference between this example of a Pre-Made Negative and people dropping from the game after losing the first clash in a pug vs pug. I think the later is more unfair to backfillers that have been waiting in a 5-10 min queue.

We have a chicken and egg situation. Did the increase in premades happen because players disliked other puggers bailing 2 minutes into a match or are the premades as devious as most of the forum want people to believe that they are being formed because they can’t win any other way?

I mean if the blizzard developers blue posted that it is completely fine for players to duo hlrs groups to sync que in the new solo rated blitz bgs so be it to get 4 people out of 8 than sure thanks blizz for confirming so someone can make a you tube video to show players how to do it.

At least just to get a confirmation on this.

If it is a fact that the blizzard developers are saying it is ok to sync que in rated blitz??:thinking:

Where? There is no blue post saying that lol and what YouTube video?

As someone that been playing epics for years and years the people dropping after lost fight only started getting bad once sync players became the norm.

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