Epic BG premade ruining the fun

any1 else ever had their time and gaming experience negatively impacted by these pic bg premade teams? i know i have

wish bliz would do something.

entire page filled with epic bg complaints.

we will keep pressing on


how can an entire game mode be ruined by a bunch of degenerates for so long in a game you have to pay a monthly fee for

shame on this company


nothing to fix no matter how many times you repost the same :wastebasket:.



Explain how there is nothing to fix?


stop afking and play the game


Wait we are talking about sync exploiters here not people going afk. Why is it bad that people don’t want to play unfair games?


try harder to beat them.

Why not just play fair and earn your wins?


I agree, premades are a blight on this game, i especially hate it when u get 10 premades…IN A ROW! SO FUN!!!


Agreed. This has been a problem for years. Blizz doesn’t care. The community has just gotten worse and worse with players playing just to do premade bullying and other people just don’t care.


If they fix the premade sync issue, would you keep fighting after losing the first battle, or would you just do the same—AFK at the base or pretend to be in the game but do nothing?

Sync groups are essentially the same as pugs. The only difference is that they don’t quit; they keep doing what’s needed to win the game. Whether it’s focusing on objectives. trying new strategies or simply playing instead of complaining, they stay engaged.

Instead of spamming the forums like this, why not ask questions like, “How do I turn around a game after losing the first fight?”

But no, let’s pretend that the premade sync is the ONLY issue, instead of also acknowledging the lack of skill or knowledge on what to do in a battleground.


Hmm… I think a bunch of us have seen premade raids AFK/hide in a corner of the map or desert the bg when the other team has a stronger premade raid.


I’ve also seen stronger premade raids get killed by pugs. :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging:



They had more healers!
They had more geared players!
Our healers are bad!
They’re cheating somehow!
Alliance always win!
Horde always win!
Offense always win!
Defense always win!
Hangar is closer to alliance!
That Paladin didn’t have crusader aura!


You missed a few…

Our DPS is bad!
They are a premade!
They are using toys to lag the server!
They are class stacking!
So and so are in PvE gear!
That person is afk!

Hope that helps!

Also, I think if they are going to let people premade in whatever way, shape or form(Just bring back raid queue). Just add a button that says: Play with Premades with a check box to select if you are willing to or not, and if you are not, understand your queues may be longer and be happy with it.

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I saw this tidbit of wisdom last night. “Guys if we don’t win, we are going to lose”.

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It’s wild to blame players for not wanting to fight against blatant exploiters. Pure narcissistic behavior.


Something has to be done about premade epic bg. 10-15 people always afk leave, I stay to finish my weekly quest but the losing team has no interest in dragging out the match. So then the people that do try get endlessly farmed for HK’s. I think Epic BG’s should just be solo queue’s, since everyone abuses the functionality and Blizzard has no interest in stopping it.

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They will just sync queue a bunch of solo players. What needs to happen is punishment and then they need to keep punishing people so they simply don’t do it.


It’s kind of weird that you believe this is exclusive to syncs. It happens just the same in pug vs pug. They lose the first team fight, and they’ll give up.