Entropic Embrace Toggle

I guess you need to learn to read then.

He isn’t. He’s an orc.


they were pro alliance blood elf back in the day. i go by what you say not your alts

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Link it!

Also, I very much support all customizations for all players. Which is why all classes for all races is great and the faction wall coming down is great.

Let player’s play the game exactly how they want to and let them RP exactly how they want to!

For entropic embrace I would actually prefer a real void look for the effect, but as you stated I have already said this in the past.

I should have pointed this out, but are you really going to say that void elves are the only race that was copy pasted?

Lightforged Draeneis and Dark Iron Dwarves and Mechagnomes were all same to my view.

Some horn shapes and skin colors and some robotic feet don’t convince me that they are something new to my opinion.

The only few races that had new uniqueness were like Vulperas, Zandalari Trolls.


Dear Blizzard

Please don’t do this. You have destroyed enough of the Void Elf uniqueness in your quest to avoid giving the Alliance actual High Elves while still retaining the customers that want to play High Elves. Instead add more voidy options. For instance, the void-lit tentacle hair is ingenious and awesome but it should be an option on all the hairstyles.

Personally, at this point, I feel you should removed all non-void options from Void Elves and return them to their original concept. Then give the Alliance actual High Elves but limit their hair styles to practical Blood Elf options (no fancy ones, these people work for a living), no green or green-adjacent eyes, ect.

And finally, to keep the scales balanced, give the Horde actual San’lyn with ALL that implies.

I mean it is not like you don’t already have ALL the assets in-game, it’s the exact same model for all four, and you just redid the character creation screen so spaghetti code wouldn’t be an issue for adding them there. And it’s not like you care about lore or good storytelling so having them just show up as playable without any background or explanation shouldn’t bother you.

You said you were listening. Please listen to this and stop destroying the Void Elves to avoid giving the Alliance actual High Elves.

Thank you for your time, Me


Giving MORE requested features? Fine.

DELETING features/races? Not fine.

Push for high elf stuff, stop trying to photoshop Blood and Void elves into oblivion.


You are not entitled to High Elves. Be happy that Blizzard gave you this model and stop wanting to screw Blood Elf and Void Elf players.

Your demands are not more important than others. That’s just a vocal and stubborn minority (Not all High Elf fans, I have to say).

Ask for stuff all you want, but at least do it well. That’s the point.


Out of likes for 7 more hours -_- but thiiiiiiiisssssss.

People like this honestly refuse to believe that people actually like Void Elves as Void Elves and are happy they were added.

“We’ll they’re not on the forums-“ yeah they’re in game having fun playing their VOID elf XD

Which is what I’m gonna do now that I finished my tacos.


IIRC, there already is a way to accomplish this effect.

Honestly it’s the only race that has made me feel like I want one of every class. It makes me feel giddy at the prospect we’ll get a light vs void expansion. It’s so wild to see people say, with so much undue authority, that no one wanted or likes void elves.

We’re here and we’re spooky and we need more eyes.


No to this. Void elves needs to stay void elves.

With cross faction groups on the horizon, you can join a WoW community and rp your heart off as a high elf with a blood elf toon.

Alternatively you can request a new race to fill that image such as half elves like I have in my thread;

Half elves can bring new concepts and add a flair to the story that is missing between void elves and blood elves and as members if dalaran can bring that culture to rp as too.

You could also ask for sub races as well or ask for model toggles on races that would suit them (like the army of the light should be multiple races).

Just my 2-cents. We really don’t need to remove more rp tools just for ‘just because’ excuses.

It’s a two-way street here. You cannot yell “entitlement” when you’re sitting the same boat. This might have worked before they gave the Alliance the High Elf options but it’s even now.

The Blood Elf players screwed themselves over with their prideful desire to dominate the user narrative which will come back to haunt them in half a decade, again. I have been foretelling the High Elf options before they became a thing and I’ll let you in onto the upcoming situation as well: They will get their High Elf options after the upcoming Void-options (< 2 years) in 4-5 years in one or another way. Blizzard’s invisible road map is not this hard to read, especially if everyone can look back and how they approached these requests since Legion and what people requested during MoP/WoD. Doesn’t mean that they made mistakes down the road.

Misinterpretation of the ironic glass house situation. They take player numbers into consideration, which is why Blood Elves and Void Elves are prioritized. It also helps a lot that these are low effort customization features they can bring out every time when they want to throw a bone to one of these two sides.

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I would support the splitting of Void Elves and High Elves into distinct races.

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Now we just have to convince Blizzard.

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Maybe the more we irritate Horde Blood Elf RPers with Alliance loyalism, the more they’ll beg Blizzard to give us an alternative.

I do not recall the horde getting a 1 to 1 copy of an alliance race.

So it is not even in the slightest.

I don’t think you know what that means.

Aaaaaaaand this is what we call PROJECTING.


RPing Alliance/Silver Covenant stuff no one cares about, tearing down Blood and Void elves on the other hand IS something that irks a lot of people.

High Elf fanatics threw tantrums for years and then when Alliance get a cool race in the Void Elf they scream murder until Blizzard heaped on them Blood Elf customizations rather than Void Elf Customizations and didn’t give Blood Elves anything out of it.

There’s a stigma around High Elves for a reason.


No you see, the Horde didn’t get the Blood Elves fairly, they STOLE them from their rightful Alliance owners, the filthy thieves.

/sarcasm if it wasn’t obvious


I don’t mind Blood Elves and Void Elves. I just mind the lack of High Elves.

One of the main justifications the devs gave for a lack of uncorrupted High Elves was that there’s hardly any of them left; nowhere near enough to justify a playable race. So creating an allied race that’s a tiny subset of that population just felt like a slap in the face.

I’m at least grateful that they expanded the customization options, but as the thread suggests, the lack of toggle for Entropic Embrace really kills it as a legitimate High Elf option.

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