Entropic Embrace Toggle

I guarantee you lots of people wouldn’t find being able to play what they want to be “the most boring game imaginable”. :slight_smile:

(Slightly on topic: I want more Void-y stuff for Void Elves… they’ve gotten plenty of High Elf stuff lately.)

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For real. We all knew it would never end with the skin colors or the hair colors. You simply cannot satisfy that crowd.

They could add high elves as their own race, and then people would find an infinite amount of new reasons to scream and cry over them. Whether for a hairstyle they don’t have, a class they don’t get, some vague customization they had in mind, or if blood elves get something unique to them.

It will literally never end, and this is why you never give a mouse a cookie. It will always want something more. And the helfer crowd has proven they don’t care about ruining the identities of other races to get what they want.

Void elves could have been amazing and now they’ll be lucky to ever get any new void themed customizations ever. Look at Nightborne, their customizations were severely lacking too, and we let blizzard double down on their identity and now they look fantastic


There’s a difference between giving feedback or suggestions and begging for unnecessary changes because they fit what you want to play as. Or demanding more things on top of what they’ve already done. If the devs followed through on everything that GD asked/begged/cried for this game would have imploded years ago.

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On the bright side at least it isn’t a thread by the hunters that shall not be named.


I never said they had to follow through on everything. But this kind of feedback allows them to know what the community’s priorities are, and there’s a significant portion who would like this change or something similar.

Speaking as a game programmer, a toggle like the one suggested by the OP would take five to ten minutes to do. All it takes is the design director saying yes.

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I was gonna say with what the OP is smoking he just might be a high elf



Their incessant crying of Blizz give us everything has turned me off from playing my void elf hunter this expansion and it was my main for the alliance story in BfA. It’s to the point now that if Blizz caves into their crying one more time without giving some void stuff or like Silverleigh said just make separate void and high elves I may just delete mine.

As far as I am concerned the radical helfers are ruining my game play enjoyment .


There’s also a significant portion of the player base that doesn’t want that or any other high elf options added. They want more void options. Look at the link for the void elf thread see all the support it has. Why are your high elf options more important?


These aren’t mutually exclusive. Like I said, dev time of five to ten minutes. Depending on their system it could be a simple toggle, could be a matter of copy-pasting code. I do stuff like this all the time.

It’s a simple solution that doesn’t preclude actual Void Elf players from getting more options.

Clearly enough to give use the new skins.

HAHAHA, what kind of copium is that? If anything, the updates(particularly giving both sides the blue eyes) was an appeasement to blood elves that felt shafted that they were losing alot of things to void elves.

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I would rather that 5 minutes be spent on something not diluting void elves more.

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I’m always more keen for a separate playable High Elf race instead.

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I like to think bigger; half elves. They can cover more concepts along with high elf themes.

As long as they look like the elves of the Kirin Tor and Silver Covenant, the name doesn’t matter to me. I’ve got TRP3 to change that.

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I like to call those the T-Team.

If theymake customization well enough you should be able to get pretty close to that so yeah.

Only thing that should be different is animation and body stances.

you forgot to write “I am going to unsub and delete account if you enable entropic embrace toggle”. Then they’ll give you 1% chance of listening to you.


Ladies and Gentlemen, here we have a classic case of Main Character Syndrome.


That’s because it’s not and was never meant to be the silver covenant pasty wonderbread option. They’re VOID elves, not uncorrupted High Elves.

Silvermoon back as an Alliance city.
Silvermoon as the new main Alliance capital.
The list goes on and on.

This is quintessentially the issue, no one had an issue with them rarely for just being fervent for wanting Alliance High Elves, it’s that it’s devolved, first with Blood Elves and now Void Elves, into attacking and sabotaging other races and disregarding the interests of people liking and playing those races that’s made them such a pariah that drags everything down, because they’ve shown they’ll drag everyone else down as long as they get to stand on top.

Compare the other AR and customization threads and you won’t find anywhere near the same contempt and lack of empathy for everyone else playing.

This saddens me the most, I love the new Nightborne customizations, especially the glowy hands.

Same, I ping pong from not wanting to play my Void Elves anymore, to wanting to play them out of spite.

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