Entropic Embrace Toggle

I set it up on three abilities on my test high elves and found I just never noticed it after that.

With only one or two depending on class I did notice it sometimes, so I think one needs to macro at least three abilities to effectively never see it.

That all said the EE effect doesn’t bother me and I love void elves so… Mileage may vary.

Also two of my test high elves have since shifted into full void elves… I like those stories too much.

Depends on the person I think.

Some are really attached to the Alliance and it takes em outta it to try to play a high elf hordeside.

Among any number of other little quibbles someone might have.

I’m happy with blood elves myself so I wasn’t ever so rabid for high elves Alliance side. I get the desire mind. Void elves though. Literally brought me back after years away.


No. You’re a Void Elf. You will enjoy being a blueberry or you will reroll Horde.

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Imagine giving players something in the vague area of what they want but not exactly it really is miserable.

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Not when the faction wall falls down.

No. Entropic Embrace should look like a miniature void form. You should start levitating for its duration.


I should roll a Horde-side High Elf and roleplay an Alliance loyalist in Orgrimmar.

They will just race and faction change then instead of getting a toggle. Which ultimately means they rerolled into a Horde Race in the end.

Nope, factions won’t mean anything and it will be all races for all factions and all classes for all races.

Those high elf folks readying to create blood elf and changing their citizenship to Alliance for cross faction visits/guild.

You are a Void Elf, NOT a High Elf. The Sind’orei are High Elves, just saying.

Learn it.
Live it.
Love it.


Sure, all the elves jumping to whatever side they want.

good. it’s about time that not all gnomes want to stay alliance anyways.

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Leper Gnomes incoming?

You should visit my thread, Void Elf Customization Thread (For the Void Aspect). I think you’d like the EE section. I might add a levitation option concept… that could be fun.

I’ve seen this in the wild. It was actually kinda amusing to watch.


we already had what you wanted to play in the game lmao. now we wasted an AR slot on alliance blood elves instead of something actually new. keep telling youself youre not a void elf tho



As an actual High Elf fan I prefer to play the actual playable High Elf race, honoring their fallen, w control of the Kingdom, Capital City, restored Sunwell, culture and aesthetic.

Our racial doesn’t proc blue for a reason, and I knew when I chose a Blood Elf that I would not have access to discounted transmog, or Preternatural Calm, or Entropic Embrace, I assumed when other people chose Void Elf they knew upon doing so what that meant?


Who is we and no not everything players want is in the game.

I agree Blizzard did something weird, when they had an opportunity to do something amazing. We see this out of them quite a bit.

Where did I say that? I never even told you my personal preference.

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Will give it a looksee! Been back only for a little while, but was gutted to see the lack of void customization when Velves got their repass.

Perhaps was me. I do have a mirror character I only pop onto when my rp group is leaning more Horde and we’re using an instance for set dressing. Thankfully that hurdle is going down, but it was always amusing to see a human with “VERY ALIVE AND NOT UNDEAD” as their race for the workaround.

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You proc blue due the infuse void, though. I occasionally go full demon, so it happens to the best of us.


in the old high elf troll threads